Twitter users ‘go bald’ in support of Sonu Nigam

Sonu Nigam has really been in the limelight recently after he tweeted out his angst against the practice of religious places using loudspeakers and forcing religiousness on others. Even though he began by complaining about the noise of early morning Azaan, he also followed it up with a larger point about this being an issue which transcends all religions.

This stance of Sonu Nigam didn’t go down well with some people and he was first abused and attacked for his tweets. Even journalists and so called Liberals took potshots against Sonu. Maybe after feeling empowered by all the outrage, a Maulvi in Bengal today decided to take things a step further and announced a prize of 10 lakhs for whoever managed to shave Sonu’s head. Shaving off head of someone is seen as an act of humiliation in many parts of the country.

But Sonu wasn’t taking it all lying down and decided to check mate the Maulvi by voluntarily shaving his head:
Inspired by the Bollywood singer’s act, many on social media also decided to go bald in his support and changed their DP.

Here are a few instances:

Hemant Bijapurkar: Contributor at, Wish to write a great trilogy someday!