NYTimes publishes name of murder victim among long list of coronavirus victims, corrects after being pointed out by netizens

Screengrab of the Report

On Sunday, the New York Times published a list of about 1000 people (roughly 1%), who died due to the Coronavirus outbreak in the US, on its front page, and 3 other inside pages. The list was a part of an article titled – “US Deaths near 1,00,000, An Incalculable Loss.”

Devoid of photographs, graphics, and advertisement, the international newspaper carried the stories of 1000 victims of the Chinese pandemic who have been reduced to mere statistics. The sub-heading read, “They were not simply names on a list. They were us.”

Homicide passed off as Coronavirus Death

A Twitter user (@timcrimmins) pointed out the curious case of one 27-year-old man named Jordan D. Haynes. His name featured in the list put out by the New York Times. The inclusion of his name suggested that Jordan died due to the Wuhan Coronavirus. The newspaper, in its story, described the person as a “generous young man with a delightful grin.”

Citing a news report, the Twitter user highlighted that Jordan was found murdered in his vehicle by the Rapids Cedar Police. According to his autopsy report, Jordan’s death has been ruled as a case of homicide. As such, the claim made by the New York Times is erroneous.


Response by the New York Times

Responding to Timothy, Brian Stelter, the Chief media correspondent of CNN conceded that the name of Jordan, published alongside the long list of coronavirus victims, was an error on the part of the newspaper. According to him, a representative from the New York Times told him that the error has been removed in the latest editions of the paper. Moreover, a corrected version of the list would also be running in print.


Allegations of shoddy journalism

Alert netizens were quick to uncover that the error was not a case of mere oversight. A Twitter user (@AltKurtis) asked, “Is the internet going to uncover that the New York Times just pulled a thousand random names without actually verifying that they died from Coronavirus?”

https://twitter.com/bamafan321/status/1264353473648365568?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Another Twitter user, Patrick, conceded that it took about 5 minutes to realise that the said journalist who supposedly penned the stories of 1000 Coronavirus victims had picked it up from orbituaries using keywords for the Chinese virus. https://twitter.com/bamafan321/status/1264353473648365568?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Another netizen also pointed out how one Davis Begaye’s obituary, who was mentioned in the NYTimes’ list of coronavirus casualties didn’t quite mention the virus, casting aspersions whether NYTimes mixed up more than one people. https://twitter.com/WheelmanForHire/status/1264364440029483010?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

New York Times lends space to Taliban

The reputation of the New York Times has been falling fast in recent years due to its questionable editorial standards. The falling standards of the ‘failing’ New York Times were once again on display when they provided a platform to an Islamic Terrorist from the Taliban. The liberal bias of the newspaper has led to a situation where it has sacrificed objective reporting of events for brownie points in liberal circles. In the opinion-editorial, the terrorist who happens to be the deputy leader of the Taliban proceeded to whitewash the crimes of his brethren.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia