Illegal Pakistani immigrants a cause of worry for Greece, aggressive behaviour, harassment of female co-worker reported

Pakistani detained in Greece/ Image Source: Greek Times

In a crackdown against illegal Pakistani immigrants, the Greek authorities had held 30 illegally living Pakistanis on Crete Island recently after they displayed ‘aggressive behaviour’ at the workplace.

According to the reports, a Pakistani man had harassed a Greek girl at their workplace recently. Following the incident, many angry Greeks confronted Pakistanis and attacked a mosque at Tympaki on Crete Island.

Around 30 illegal Pakistanis were held captive by Greeks after they displayed aggressive behaviour against Greeks during the last week of August 2020. They were released only after intervention by the Pakistani Embassy, Athens.

“A mosque being used by Pakistanis at Tympaki on Crete Island was attacked by 200-300 Greek youths in the evening of 10.09. The provocation for the attack was the harassment of a Greek girl by a Pakistani man at their workplace,” said reports.

Meanwhile, the Pakistani community of Greece led by Javed Aslam Arian has called these incidents as racist and fascist.

The illegal immigration from Pakistan and Afghanistan have become a huge concern for Greece authorities. The authorities want to evict over 10,000 illegal immigrants, who are currently staying in Greece.

Greece has already started to deport illegal immigrants from Pakistan. In late July, the first flight to return illegal immigrants of Pakistani nationality back to their country of origin took off from Athens International Airport. The authorities had deported 30 Pakistanis who had illegally entered Greece.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia