Delhi govt collects Rs 1.5 crore as fine in two days for violations of Covid-19 norms

Image Credit : The Economic Times

Aam Aadmi Party-led Delhi government has managed to collect Rs 1.5 crore in two days from the people who violated the COVID-19 norms imposed by the Delhi government, according to reports. The administration in Delhi has become increasingly vigilant about the maintenance of the COVID-19 protocols in the national capital amid growing concerns about the Omicron variant of the virus.

As per reports, the highest number of cases where people violated the COVID-19 norms came from East Delhi and North Delhi. People from the East and North Delhi also received the maximum number of Challans on December 22 and 23 for not wearing masks. North Delhi recorded the highest number of violations among the 11 districts in Delhi with 1446 people being booked. East Delhi recorded 1,245 violations.

Reportedly, a total of 7,778 violations was observed where people were found not wearing masks, ignoring social or physical distancing norms and participating in crowds. The collection of fines from the people who violated the COVID-19 regulations amounted to a total of Rs 1.5 crore in two days. 163 FIRs were also registered by the officials against people violating the norms.

A senior government official said, “The number of Challans issued and people being prosecuted for violations of Covid- appropriate behaviour and other guidelines are increasing. Daily violations caught have increased from around 3000 in the previous week to 3,500-4000 now”

Earlier Delhi government had given Rs 50,000 ex-gratia to 21,235 Delhiites in cases where the people lost a family member because of COVID-19. Financial assistance of Rs 2,500 were provided in 7,955 cases through the government’s Mukhyamantri Covid-19 Aarthik Sahayata Yojana.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia