Dharma Sansad: Why are Hindus using stone-age weapons for 21st century battles?

If you recall, during the Galwan clash in the Himalayas, Indian and Chinese forces fought with sticks and stones. This was because there was a prior agreement not to carry or use guns.  But this battle, bizarre as it sounded in this age and times, was balanced because both sides were armed with sticks and stones. What if one side were to bring modern assault weapons and advanced guns to face the others throwing stones?

This brings us to the main topic of this piece – why are Hindus fighting a modern high-tech war with stone age weapons?

Some grainy, unverified videos of alleged “hate speech” made by some Hindu sadhus have been doing the rounds in social media. These could be fake. I have not heard the entire speech at least not from verified sources. By the way, do you recognize the usual tricks used by leftists when it comes to anti-Hindu/India hate speeches, in the preceding sentence? Award yourself 10 woke points if you do.

Of course, instead of writing “Modi was sad when he heard such speech” as would be the case if any of the dynasty’s serfs said such stuff, corrupt media not only played up these clips but promptly linked it promptly to Modi and BJP. As I understand it, legal action has been initiated and if calls for violence was indeed made, the law of the land should apply. Clearly, such speeches are condemnable. Unless of course, they are made against Hindus by leftists or Islamists. Then that is freedom of speech and hence progressive.

Who sets the rules?

Right from the time humans evolved from hunter-gatherer apes that lived alone, formed families, groups and societies, settled down to farm, the role of leaders has been there. They can be chieftains, Kings or by whatever name called. For tens of thousands of years, we have always had two classes – one that sets the rules and one that must obey, often at the pain of death. It is foolish to think that 20th-century democracy and modern developments like the internet, mobiles and social media have changed this fundamental fact. No, just as it has not changed the fact that we have two legs and one nose.

  • Today anti-Hindu hate has been mainstreamed and made perfectly acceptable just as anti-Jewish hate in Hitler’s Germany was. As Prof Abhishek Banerjee repeatedly points out in his tweets and articles, dehumanising Hindus is well accepted.
  • NASA tweeting picture of an intern displaying pictures of Hindu Gods can be viciously trolled, attacked, and insulted and made to feel like a worm by Polpotist left’s SM warriors.
  • A blue-tick Professor can not only keep her blue tick but also her Twitter account calling for a ban on Hindus entering Western countries. If she said that of any other religion or race, she would be banned for life and certified a bigot. And casually “clarify” it in a subsequent tweet.
  • A conference supposedly against “Hindutva” can have someone boldly declaring that it is the same as Hinduism – and hence “dismantling” it (a clever term deployed to camouflage the pogrom) can be European Union public-funded activity.
  • When Aarti Tikoo made a mention of open threats of violence against her brother and other Hindus living In Kashmir, it was her Twitter account that got suspended, not the ones making that threat!
  • If you talk about the genocide of Pandits, you are cancelled and told not to weaponise.
  • Numerous social media accounts exist just to spread anti-Hindu hate but they are quite safe from any cancellation or suspension.

This is because the Stalinist left as well as its partners in the West set the rules. We must follow. We have no choice. While criticism deemed “hate” against Islam/Muslims is wrong, and rightly so, it is condemned mainly because they are minorities in the West. No one considers that they are the majority in Egypt or Pakistan or in dozens of other countries. But hate against Hindus/Hinduism by Western academics is “freedom” although they too are minorities there. This is because they are the majority in India – look at how perverted the logic is!

Left has captured the liberal space and turned it into a potent anti-Hindu weapon, because their traditional weapons – the systematic destruction of faith, mass murders and rapist savagery – have all failed big time against Hinduism. It has not fetched them power. Despite 70 years of trying.

So they have cleverly modernised their weapons, while most Hindu leaders are still carrying stones and sticks. It is a battle with only one result.

Stone age tactics

Waking up to the left’s pogrom and countering it too involves recognizing both the real enemy and his weapons. We Hindus by and large fail on both counts. IMHO poor ordinary Muslims, who had no links to or love for Aurangzeb, many of whom did not benefit from Islamist rule as much as the elites that go around defending Aurangzeb are not the enemies. In fact, the Ayodhya issue is a classic example of how ordinary Muslims’ attempts at amicable settlement was throttled by the Stalinist left as it did not suit their agendas. 

Recognising the enemy and his weapons is a standard part of military training. For example, images of fighter jets are shown on screen – often for a mere split second. You must tell is it yours or your foe’s. Because that is all the time you get in real battle. 

It is indeed sad that Hindus and their leadership has failed to see and recognize these sophisticated weapons, even though there are being used for years now, not just a split second.

Left’s takeover of social media, as well as the so-called liberal space, has taken years. But having achieved total control, they now set the rules and adopt a take no prisoners approach. If you are a Dr Vikram Sampath that exposes their lies, they get to vandalise your page in Wiki. Your protests are locked out. Because they are not “verified” or from “authentic sources”. And who certifies what is “verified or authentic” – well, you guessed it! Rules are set so that you can be “suspended” or “cancelled” at moment’s notice. While they carry on with vitriol and venom in the name of “freedom”. 

The clever definition of “hate speech” itself is a case in point. It almost never applies to any speech against Hindus or their faith. Apart from that, a whole array of 21st-century weapons have been perfected – fact-checking, peer-reviewed publications and so on. Together they become formidable weapons.

Left has also evolved a language that allows itself to incite hate and celebrate violence, without necessarily doing it directly. For example, you will rarely see a leftist “intellectual” directly calling for the killing of Modi or Amit Shah. They are too clever. Instead, they use words that offer plausible deniability.  Their blue ticks are never in danger.

At worse, they can issue a boilerplate apology and move on to the next outrage. Often the apology can be insincere and ridiculous – such as the one Teesta Setelvad offered when she equated Krishna’s mythical Sudharshan Chakra with ISIS beheadings. She said a “friend’s” cartoon was tweeted by her in a “mad rush”! At other times they can choose to brazen it out. 

There is no point lamenting all this. It is a waste of time. Just as Indian hockey team cannot demand grass turf to play their games overseas, or a spin friendly cricket pitch. 

Just learn to deal with it.

Don’t carry stone age weapons – the alleged speech in Hardwar is a classic example of using stone-age weapons. It benefits only the left. And its pogrom on Hinduism. This will now become perfect excuse and valid justification for not just a million other real hate speeches but also dozens of future acts of terror and violence against Hindus, even in countries or places where they are minorities. The net result would be exactly what the left wants.

Ganesh R: Ganesh is a software consultant who has spent the last few decades overseas for work. But he is very much an Indian citizen and deeply connected to India. He likes to share his perspectives and opinions which are based on personal experiences, extensive travel and interaction with various cultures.