Our small victories against Twitter and other social media giants: Glorious, pointless victories

Social media giants (Image credit: Lifestyle Asia Hong Kong)

If you have guessed what I am going to say by looking at the title, Congrats! But let me also hasten to say, don’t get me wrong. I am, like most of us, glad for Aarti Tikoo. Her act of courage, taking on Twitter fascism and winning, is worthy of celebration, even if she had lost. And certainly, worthy of emulation, tough as it is. We have our work to do, lives to run, and most of us would have rolled over and played dead.

The depth of her victory is seen from the fact that the ecosystem is in mourning. I could not find the news on NDTV’s mobile website at least not without googling for it. The collective decision seems to be to black it out and forget bad news.

Yes, it is a glorious victory but is also totally pointless. Don’t agree? Try answering “Yes” to these questions, be honest to yourself:

  1. Is Twitter (or FB and others) going to start playing fair and honest?
  2. Is Twitter going to ban blatantly, and violently bigoted anti-Hindu comments?
  3. Is Twitter going to treat the Con-Left continuum with as much tender love and care as it gives to BJP or the right?

If you have answered yes to even one of these questions, stop reading. I have nothing further to say.

If you don’t believe me, don’t expect me to give you evidence after evidence. Test it out yourself. If your Twitter handle has any significant following, just take UK based leftist Priyamvada Gopal’s tweet about banning entry of Hindus into Western countries, replace Hindu with you-know-who and tweet it out. See how long your account lasts, even if you “clarify” in a later tweet that you really meant something else.

The real war

The problem with fighting fake battles and scoring meaningless victories is that we forget what the war is all about. It ends up strengthening the adversary.

When the UK went about issuing stamps, they did not put their country name in the stamps. They didn’t have to. When the USA, thanks to Al Gore, the first of climate warriors, invented the internet, they didn’t have to use US domain names. They controlled the commerce, ran the global government and were much better organised. We didn’t even notice but that is how dominance works. You subject yourself without question and don’t even know you are a serf under their boots.

Oh, by the way, poking fun of Al Gore’s claim has been “fact-checked” in the usual leftist way –he only said he “took initiative in creating” internet, did not use the word “invented”. Brilliant, isn’t it? That’s how leftist “fact-checking” works. They find semantic loopholes for you if you are in the “right” camp. Not the right camp, stupid!

Even today, much of internet traffic is routed via the USA or controlled by them. Most companies that host servers that host sites are based in the USA or run by companies that are beholden to the US for commercial reasons. Given that leftist wokes control the USA, they control the internet. 

They can crush you or me and not even pause to stop licking Biden’s boots, lest some other woke out licks them

For Twitter, totally controlled by Hindu hating Stalinist left and the global work partners, being a weapon in their anti-Hindu pogrom is a necessity. They have no choice, or they will be cancelled too.

Aarti Tikoo’s glorious victory is but a pin prick for an 800-pound gorilla.

Yet another problem is when you crave recognition from your own adversary, it is a losing game. A good analogy is the US defeat in Afghanistan. How can a bunch of demoralized kids who’d rather chase girls in a shopping mall somewhere in suburbia of the US hope to win against the Taliban, funded (directly as well as indirectly) by the world’s sole superpower, backed by a $6 trillion economy and a ready market for its opium?

The real victory

It goes without saying, the real victory is when the left’s control of the ecosystem is dismantled. That can happen in two ways. One is to wrest control of the existing ecosystem and the other is to create a parallel ecosystem equally powerful.

The first option is unworkable. It is a complete waste of time, as Aarti will likely realise soon. She is on a virtual deathwatch now. One can imagine a team of cyber coolies in some outsourced office, working 24×7 watching every one of her tweets, likes and re-tweets, ready to lower the boom in a split second. That is how it is with most RW handles. You get ZERO chance. You cannot “clarify” or be allowed to quietly delete the tweet unlike leftists advocating genocide or ban on Hindus. The suspension of BharadwajSpeaks accounts by Twitter is part of the Polpotist pogrom on anyone that dares to challenge Stalinist left narratives on “history”. It will not stop until the last Hindu is converted or killed or turned into a museum piece like native Indian faiths of Australia or the USA as Prof Banerji points out.

I am not saying give up your Twitter or FB handles or stop using them. Go ahead and use it 100%. If there is one thing we can learn from the left, it is how to use the adversary’s infrastructure to undermine him. The Taliban example is of relevance here. They defeated the Americans with American money and weapons as well as logistics. 

Left, responsible for millions of deaths, rapes and horrendous crimes against humanity, is cancer on the human soul and the only way to rid it is to use its own techniques. You have to be a cancer cell on the cancer cell.

The answer, my friends, is blowing in the wind. Let’s create and sustain a parallel universe. We have the heft to do it.

This is not going to be easy at all because the left controls not just Twitter or FB but hosting companies, search engines, payment gateways and many other things that make internet work. Ask rivals of Twitter how they struggle even to find vendors to provide such services and get “cancelled” out. That’s why I say, create an ecosystem.

I am not going to use this space to plug any one option, but the point s there are options out there. Are we using them? If not, how are we going to win this war?

More importantly, at the level of government, we must be thinking along these lines:

  1. Does every bit and byte of network traffic go across the oceans to the USA via cables to be studied, blocked at will by fascist wokes? How much of intra-India network traffic gets routed out and back?
  2. Expanding on this idea, can we work together with other countries that share similar issues, so our traffic stays within unless it has to reach others?
  3. How many media sites are hosted on servers that are overseas or run by companies that are headquartered overseas? I know this can’t be fixed overnight, but can we make a small start?
  4. Can we embrace technologies that are open, free, and not controlled by any country?

I am no expert to provide answers, but as a citizen I am worried are even asking the questions? Call Xi Jinping what you may, he not only has asked himself these questions but has also started answering them too. Although we can’t leverage his methods or successes.

Because, this war on left control of internet has many implications.  It’s not just about some non-left handle getting her ID back.

If we are forced into a war with our terrorist neighbour, or its all-weather ally, remember, it will be the wokes sitting in NY or LA along with their pals in the Politburo deciding what gets tweeted and who is called the aggressor. Remember they run Wikipedia too. And decide what is “fact”. And you know who will be the real victim and who will be the fake one.

Ganesh R: Ganesh is a software consultant who has spent the last few decades overseas for work. But he is very much an Indian citizen and deeply connected to India. He likes to share his perspectives and opinions which are based on personal experiences, extensive travel and interaction with various cultures.