New York artist gets two ceramic bowls stuck and entire Twitter has come forward to help her, 4 days and counting since netizens got invested in this: Details

Two ceramic bowls are stuck and netizens can't keep calm

New York based artist, Chi Nguyễn, has got the Twitterverse working hard to find out how to remove two ceramic bowl stuck together. It so happened that about four days back, Chi got a smaller ceramic bowl stuck in a larger ceramic bowl and then it refused to come out.

On 6th June, she tweeted that she stacked the two while doing dishes and since has not been able to remove the smaller bowl. She said that it had already been two days since this happened and now she’s very much invested in making sure the bowl comes out without either of them breaking. She sought help from netizens on tip and tricks on how to save her ceramic bowls.

She listed out things she has already tried, like using warm soapy water, hot+cold water, ice, oil on edges, microwaving, shaking the bowls aggressively – but nothing had helped her till then.

Helpful netizens came up with various ideas and then she updated that she had put the bowls in freezer and will not be running hot water on them (since some suggested pouring hot water may crack them).

Next day, she updated everyone on what other tricks she has tried to get the bowls freed – from toothpicks to cards to even speaking to the bowls passive aggressively to get them to behave themselves, but none of them worked.

Few hours later, she updated how the bowls are still stuck despite keeping them submerged overnight, making self deprecating jokes to the bowls and even thread, paper, knife around the edges of the bowls.

Netizens, however, have been very helpful

Netizens have come together to help out Chi get the bowls unstuck. The suggestions have ranged from scientific to philosophical.

There were a lot of technical words thrown in. From suction to gravity, but none of them helped, it seems.

And other suggestions like speaking to the bowls to leave politely. Faith can move mountains, so it can obviously get the bowls detached.

And wordplay on the ‘bowl movements’.

WhatChiDid’s replies

Many, like us, were there to see the updates on the thread. We all have been really invested by now.

At the time of this report, however, the ceramic bowls are still stuck.

Update: The bowls have come off.

It seems she got a little help from a tiny human. The bowls are free.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia