MP: Arif, Shahid and 4 others arrested for assaulting 2 Dalit men, and parading them around with garland of shoes

The two Dalits were thrashed by minority community members (SS of video posted by

In Varkhadi village in the Shivpuri region of Madhya Pradesh, two Dalit young men were brutally beaten by members of a community on false suspicion that they had recorded and molested some girls from the village. Six people have been detained in connection with the incident that happened on June 30. However, seven people, including two women, have been charged by the police.

Notably, a recent incident in MP involving a man peeing on a tribal youth has generated a great deal of controversy. However, in the recent incident, the six persons detained have been identified as Ajmat Khan, Arif Khan, Shahid Khan, Islam Khan, Raeesa Bani, and Saina Bano. The police are searching for the seventh accused who is absconding.

“A group of members from a minority community bashed two men, blackened their faces, garlanded them with shoes and paraded them in Varkhadi village on Friday,” confirmed Magroni police post in-charge Deepak Sharma. The video of the incident is going viral over the internet.

He said that the inquiry disproved the two men’s alleged accusations of abuse. Sharma said that the two had never even met the rural girls and had only spoken to them on the phone. According to him, police have opened an investigation under the applicable provisions of the Indian Penal Code and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act.

Ajmat Khan, Arif Khan, Shahid Khan, Islam Khan, Raeesa Bani, and Saina Bano are the names of the people that were taken into custody. Sharma stated that efforts are being made to find one more person.

“The accused claimed that two men from the Dalit community molested some girls in the village and filmed them discreetly. They also claimed that the purported act of the two men was recorded on CCTV cameras,” he said.

MP Home Minister Narottam Mishra has condemned the incident, calling it a smear on humanity. He has assured strict action against the accused. He added that NSA will be slapped against the accused persons who have participated in the hate crime and their illegal properties will be demolished.

Vishnu Dutt Sharma, the head of the BJP in Madhya Pradesh, has denounced the incident and questioned whether Congress’s “silence” on the matter is a result of its “appeasement policy.”

He stated that some attackers from the minority group forced faeces into the mouths of the two Jatav and Kevat community members. Police did not, however, confirm or deny the feces-related claim.

“A group of Muslims thrashed two Dalit youths on false allegations. They garlanded the duo with shoes, paraded them in a procession, and stuffed feces in their mouths. This is absolutely inhuman,” Vishnu Dutt Sharma said while speaking to reporters in Bhopal.

He condemned the occurrence and claimed that Congress’s “appeasement policy” caused it to remain silent. “MP Congress President Kamal Nath or Rajya Sabha member Digvijaya Singh have not tweeted anything on this issue,” he added.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia