Mumbai: Man enters ladies’ compartment of a local train, smokes ganja despite the objection of passengers

Mumbai local trains have made headlines on several occasions largely owing to massive crowds, wild fights for seats among commuters, breaching of the queue of commuters, and blocking the gates of the trains. This time the commuters witnessed a rather irksome incident.

A video of a drug addict onboard a Mumbai local train has gone viral on social media. The incident reportedly occurred on Tuesday evening when a man boarded the ladies’ compartment of the 7.14 pm Mumbai CSMT to Badlapur local at Byculla. The women commuters can be heard objecting to the same.

The man, donning a skullcap, is seen taking out something from his bag. By the time the train arrives at Dadar, he is seen smoking Cannabis (Ganja) even as the women warn him to deboard the train. By then passengers waiting on the platform board the train and the man rushes back inside the compartment. He was removed from the compartment at Kurla station by Women RPF personnel.

It is not known what further action was taken against the man after he was removed from the train. His intentions for boarding the women’s compartment is also not known.

Smoking on local trains is an offence and the sale or consumption of cannabis is illegal in India. However, several such incidents of both, men entering ladies’ compartments and of smoking onboard the Mumbai local train have come to the fore in the past.

22 June 2023: Scuffle erupts after a group of men boards ladies’ compartment

A group of men entered the ladies’ compartment of a train following which a massive brawl erupted between the commuters. The women commuters filed a complaint with the Railway Police Force (RPF).

5 January 2023: Man caught smoking onboard Mumbai local train

A video of a man went viral showing him smoking on a train bound from Thane to Karjat. Moreover, he was traveling in the compartment reserved for disabled persons.

The Railways last year conducted an anti-smoking surprise drive and collected a fine amounting to Rs 1,40,900 in just a week. Cases of sexual assault on Mumbai local trains have also been a common occurrence.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia