Uttar Pradesh: Maulana assaults, rapes 14-year-old girl for 5 hours in a madrasa in Shamli, booked

Image- Dainik Bhasker

In a horrific case reported from the Karnal region of Uttar Pradesh, a 14-year-old minor girl from Karnal was brutally raped and harassed by a Maulana who has now been booked in an FIR. The girl was raped for around 5 hours by the accused in a Madarsa in Shamli, Uttar Pradesh where the girl had been admitted as a student.

According to the initial reports by Daini Bhasker, the incident is said to have happened on June 20. The girl was observed for 10 days by the accused who later began calling her after the Madarsa hours. He later abused her and began touching her inappropriately. On refusal, the girl would be assaulted and forced to respond.

On the day of the incident, the girl was called by the Maulana to his room where he forced himself upon her and brutally raped her for around 5 hours. The girl kept on refusing but the assault didn’t stop.

The video statement of the girl was obtained by Dainik Bhasker in which the girl is heard crying and narrating the whole incident. She says that Maulana often used to force himself upon her and that he used to touch her inappropriately. “That day he called me at around 9 am and raped me. I was released after 1 pm. I can’t even explain what all has been done to me,” the girl said crying.

The state child commission is said to have taken cognizance of the event after the video of the incident appeared on the internet. After this, the girl was approached for a statement and later an FIR was filed in the case.

Siddhi Somani: Siddhi Somani is known for her satirical and factual hand in Economic, Social and Political writing. Having completed her post graduation in Journalism, she is pursuing her Masters in Politics. The author meanwhile is also exploring her hand in analytics and statistics. (Twitter- @sidis28)