During his visit to Israel, French President Emmanuel Macron proposes an international coalition to fight Hamas, just like nations fought ISIS

French president proposes international coalition to fight Hamas during his visit to Israel (Image via AP)

On Tuesday (25th October) French President Emmanuel Macron proposed expanding a multinational coalition fighting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria to include the war against the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas in Gaza.

While speaking at a joint press conference President Macron during his visit to Jerusalem asserted that terrorism is a “common enemy” of both countries.

“We should build a regional and international coalition to fight against terrorist groups that threaten us all. France is ready for the international coalition against Daesh in which we are taking part in operations in Iraq and Syria to also fight against Hamas,” Macron said stressing that it would be in the interest of not only Israel’s security but also in the interest of the neighbouring countries.

Notably, French President Emmanuel Macron and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not share details about the international coalition to fight Hamas suggesting that the conversations regarding the coalition are in an early phase.

Giving details on how the US-led coalition would confront Hamas, President Macron’s office elaborated on Macron’s remarks, saying that France was ready to “work on ideas of action against Hamas, with our partners and Israel.” The anti-Islamic State coalition could be “an inspiration” in the fight against Hamas because it focuses not only on military operations but also on training, information sharing, and counter-terrorism financing.

In addition to proposing an international coalition to fight Hamas, President Macron stressed a “decisive relaunch” of the political process with the Palestinians. He said Hamas terrorists do not represent the Palestinians and should be fought against.

“The security of Israel cannot be long-lasting without a decisive relaunch of the political process with Palestinians. Hamas does not carry the Palestinian cause and should be fought, but Palestinian aspirations must be heard with reason,” the French President said.

On Tuesday, the French president met with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Notably, a war between Hamas and Israel erupted after Hamas slaughtered nearly 1,400 Israelis on October 7th, while thousands of civilians died in Gaza, where the terrorist group has been using civilians as human shields.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia