Israel recalls its diplomats from Turkey after Erdogan declares Israel a war criminal, to reassess its relationship with Turkey

On 28th October (Saturday), Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen announced that he has recalled Israeli envoys from Turkey in the wake of Turkish President Erdogan’s remarks made earlier in the day regarding the Israel-Hamas war. He also asserted that this is being done to re–evaluate their relationship with Turkey. 

Taking to X, he stated, “Against the background of the grave statements from Turkey, I ordered the return of the diplomatic representatives from Turkey in order to conduct a reassessment of Israel-Turkey relations.” 

Apart from the Foreign Minister, Senior Israeli officials lambasted Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan after his rant at Israel amid the ongoing war against Hamas in Gaza.

Energy Minister Israel Katz, who is set to become foreign minister next year, said that Erdogan “exposed his true face” during a mass rally today in Istanbul, Times of Israel reported. It is important to note that Katz is set to take over as foreign minister next year.

Katz tweeted, “The man of the Muslim Brotherhood supports Hamas-Daesh terror. Even his kaffiyeh will not cover up the shame.”

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan said “a snake will remain a snake.” “[Erdogan] tried to improve his image, but remains an antisemite,” Erdan said as reported by Army Radio.

Earlier in the day, Turkish President Erdogan termed Israel as an “occupier” while adding that Hamas is not a terrorist organisation, rather they are “freedom fighters”. He alleged that the Western powers “the main culprit” behind the Israeli army’s operations in Gaza.

Addressing a massive pro-Palestinian rally in Istanbul on Saturday (28th October), he declared that his country was making preparations to proclaim Israel a “war criminal” for its actions in Gaza.

“Israel, we will proclaim you as a war criminal to the world,” Erdogan said. “We are making our preparations, and we will declare Israel to the world as a war criminal.” He further said, “I reiterate that Hamas is not a terrorist organisation. Israel was very offended by this … Israel is an occupier, Erdogan speaks clearly because Turkey does not owe you anything.” 

People had gathered at Istanbul’s Ataturk airport for a rally which was organised by Turkey’s governing AK Party. Large crowd gathered there to protest against Israel’s continued bombardment of the Gaza Strip and called for a ceasefire.

The event on Saturday was dubbed the “Great Palestine Meeting” during which demonstrators chanted pro-Palestinian slogans and waved Turkish and Palestinian flags. 

According to local media, the rally was attended by leaders of other political parties, as well as high-profile media and sports figures. Reports added that some of them were scheduled to take to the stage during the event.

Following Erdogan’s speech at the event, the Israeli Foreign Minister made this announcement recalling their envoys from Turkey and re-evaluation of ties with Turkey.

Israel’s diplomatic relations with Turkey were restored last year, as it had deteriorated considerably since Recep Tayyip Erdogan became the Turkish president. And in less than one and half years, the tie has ended with Israel recalling its diplomats.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia