SDPI calls for district-level ‘solidarity’ meetings after Israeli retaliation to Hamas terror attacks, urges Indian govt to back Palestine

SDPI members in a rally (Image Source: The Print)

The Social Democratic Party of India, or SDPI as it is popularly known, has called for a ‘solidarity’ meeting in the wake of Israeli retaliation over the Hamas terror attacks that claimed the lives of over 1,300 Israelis. The organisation, known for its radical stances and Islamist apologia, has organised a meeting today i.e. Friday, 13th October, at 4 PM, at all district levels as a show of support for the cause of Palestine.

Intriguingly, the meeting is in line with the Hamas calls for a global jihad on 13th October, issuing a clarion call to Muslims and Islamists around the globe to hit the streets in protest and join their “war” against Israel.

The pamphlet designed by SDPI carefully paints the meeting in support of the “struggle of the Palestinians for their right to motherland”. What it doesn’t talk about is the circumstances that led to the Israeli retaliation in the Gaza Strip.

SDPI, the political wing of the notorious and banned jihadi outfit PFI, glosses over the atrocities carried out by Hamas terrorists, including more than 7,000 rocket strikes in Israel and the ground invasion in the southern border areas that has killed over 1,300 Israelis, including babies, toddlers, and infants who were brutally killed, with many of them burnt alive.

Earlier, the SDPI had even exhorted the Indian government to extend their support to the creation of a separate country for Palestinians. On Wednesday evening in Madurai, members of the Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) organised a demonstration, urging the Union government to advocate for the rights of Palestinians amid the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict.

At Goripalayam, the SDPI members assembled and raised their voices in unified slogans. State secretary of SDPI, Najma Begum, delivered a speech to the assembled crowd, alongside the party’s district (north) president, Bilal Deen. The protesters strongly criticized Israel’s actions in the conflict, urging the Indian government to express support for the Palestinians. They emphasised the need for prompt intervention by the United Nations (UN) and other nations to facilitate peace restoration in the Middle East.

Hamas Attacks Israel

A surprise attack deemed ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Storm’ by Hamas on Israel which combined gunmen breaching security barriers with a barrage of rockets fired from Gaza was launched at dawn on 7 October during the Jewish high holiday of Simchat Torah which resulted in the gruesome murder of at least 1,300 people including children and elderly while more than 2000 were wounded. 

The terrorists also raped women and abducted hundreds in one of the deadliest attacks in history. Israel then launched ‘Operation Iron Swords’ in retaliation and invoked Article 40 for the first time since the Yom Kippur War in 1973 and officially declared war.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia