Chhattisgarh: PM Narendra Modi addresses an election rally in Durg, makes ’30 per cent commission’ jibe at CM Bhupesh Baghel

PM Narendra Modi in Durg. Image Source: X handle of Narendra Modi

On Saturday (4th November), PM Narendra Modi addressed an election rally at Pandit Ravi Shankar Shukla Stadium in Durg, Chhattisgarh. In this rally, he accused the Congress government in the state of corruption. He called it a government of 30 per cent commission. This is PM Narendra Modi’s second visit to Chhattisgarh in two days. The first phase of polling for the state assembly elections will be held on 7th November.

PM Narendra Modi said in Durg, “The BJP has a track record of fulfilling the promises. Chhattisgarh was created by the BJP and I guarantee you that the BJP will develop Chhattisgarh. The Congress party’s ‘bundle of lies’ is standing in front of BJP’s ‘Sankalp Patra’. The Congress party’s priority is to fill its coffers through corruption.”

Talking more about the election manifesto published by the Chhattisgarh state BJP, PM Narendra Modi said, “I would like to congratulate the entire team of Chhattisgarh BJP for releasing the Sankalp Patra yesterday. This manifesto is made in order to make your dreams come true. In this manifesto, the biggest priority has been given to the mothers and sisters of Chhattisgarh, the youth here and the farmers here.”

Attacking the Congress government in the state, PM Narendra Modi said, “Congress’ priority is to distribute jobs to the loved ones of its leaders, and to throw your children out of jobs. When you go to government offices here, you say the same thing – “30 taka Kakka, Aap ka Kaam Pakka” (which means your task is ensured if you pay a commission of 30 per cent). In every announcement of the Congress, there is a 30 per cent game. Chhattisgarh wants to get rid of this government, which is why Chhattisgarh is saying – ‘We won’t tolerate anymore, we will change the government now’.”

PM Narendra Modi slammed the state government while referring to the Mahadev online betting app. He said, “The Congress government in Chhattisgarh has not even spared Mahadev’s name. Two days ago, a big action was taken in Raipur, and a huge amount of money was received. People are saying that this money belongs to the bookies, those who play the game of gambling and that they have collected this money by looting the poor and youths of Chhattisgarh. Congress leaders are filling their houses with this looted money. It is being reported in the media that the connections of this money are linked to Chhattisgarh.”

Criticising Chhattisgarh’s chief minister Bhupesh Baghel on the issue of corruption, he said, “The government and the Chief Minister of the state should tell the people of Chhattisgarh what is their relationship with the accused of this scam who is sitting in Dubai. After all, why is the Chief Minister of the state irritated after this money is caught?”

Lamenting the Congress government on other alleged corruption scandals, PM Narendra Modi said, “The poor people of Chhattisgarh have been looted, and strict action will be taken against those who did this. The corrupt government of Chhattisgarh has broken your trust by committing one scam after another. The PSC and Mahadev app scam is in the discussion, but there is no shortage of scams in the report card of the Congress government.”

Enlisting other scams, he added, “Rs 2,000 crore liquor scam, Rs 500 crore cement scam, Rs 5,000 crore rice scam, Rs 1,300 crore Gauthan (grazing land for cows) scam, Rs 700 crore DMF scam. Congress has not missed any opportunity to loot Chhattisgarh, but I assure you that after the formation of the BJP government in the state, such scams will be strictly investigated, and those who loot your money will be sent to jail.”

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia