Kerala: Israeli woman and her husband plan ‘mutual suicide’, husband kills her after she does not die of self-inflicted wound

Krishnachandran and his wife Satwa, image via Manorama

On Thursday (30th November), a 36-year-old Israeli woman named Satwa (Radha) was found dead with her throat slit in a rented home in Kottayam in Kerala’s Kollam district. Her 75-year-old husband Krishnachandran (Chandrasekharan Nair) was admitted to the hospital with serious injuries.

According to the Kottayam police, the incident happened around 3:30 p.m. at their Thiruvathira residence in Decent Mukku. A police officer said, “Krishnachandran and Satwa have been living together for the last 16 years. He was earlier a yoga instructor in Rishikesh and she was his student. Later, they married and came to Kerala a year ago.”

The authorities have lodged a First Information Report under Section 302 (murder) and 309 (suicide attempt) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) against him. The police official informed that Satwa had slashed her throat as part of a mutual plan with her husband.

The duo wanted to end their lives due to health complications. Krishnachandran stabbed his neck and stomach with the same knife. He told the police that his wife had asked him to kill her after she couldn’t die from the self-inflicted wound.

He is now hospitalised and undergoing treatment at Government Medical College in Thiruvananthapuram. The house in Kottayam where Krishnachandran and Satwa stayed was leased by Ravikumar and Bindu, Krishnachandran’s niece (brother’s daughter).

The deceased had reportedly lived in Uttarakhand for fifteen years and had spent the previous year in Kerala. Krishnachandran has claimed that his wife was depressed and had suicidal tendencies. She was not getting better even after taking yoga classes from him.

According to the police, he alleged that he had psoriasis and did not want to live which is why both of them opted to take their own lives. A cop informed that even though a suicide note was discovered in the room, it had not yet been examined.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia