Delhi: Female students complain of sexual harassment by Professor Salim Sheikh, Hindu outfits protest outside Babasaheb Ambedkar Medical College

Image- News18

Protests erupted outside Baba Saheb Ambedkar Medical College in New Delhi on Monday against one Salim Sheikh, who works as an Assistant Professor at the college. The protests were organized by Mahila Nyay Smiti who stated that multiple women students of the college have been sexually harassed by the accused professor.  

The charges, mainly brought forward by female medical students, have sparked outrage and condemnation across cultural groups. The protesters asserted that the professor physically abused female students at the college and intimidated them.

“An active Muslim professor committed heinous acts of physical abuse and intimidation against female students at Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Hospital and Medical College. There is widespread anger and outrage across all sections of society against this despicable act,” Dharmender Suri, one of the protesters was quoted as saying by the New Indian. 

The protest, which aimed at seeking justice for the impacted students and increasing social consciousness, took the form of a large public gathering outside the college’s Gate No. 2. The scene outside the institution was tense, with a large police presence deployed to keep discipline. Protesters held signs criticizing the accused professor and demanded his immediate removal from his position. Slogans echoed across the air, mirroring the societal demand for justice.

The protests are said to have erupted after two college girls complained that they were sexually harassed by Sheikh during their MBBS viva on 31st January. The victims later filed a police complaint on 22nd February. However, the protesting organisations stated that the police did not take any action in the case.

‘We will not let BSA Medical College turn into Sandeshkhali’

The protestors who were backed by several Hindu outfits in the city, painted posters in the city saying that ‘they would not let the college turn into Sandeshkhali’. The National Commission of Women has also taken cognizance of the event and demanded immediate action in the case.

One female protestor expressed her displeasure, citing the authorities’ alleged neglect of the incident. “We will not let it be Sandeskhali or West Bengal. The women in the college are suffering. Police should take strict action. They lodged the case but released him on bail. All went in vain. We want action,” she exclaimed.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia