Pakistan support to Rahul Gandhi, Arvind Kejriwal, agenda peddlers of Khan Market gang, corruption-free governance and more: What PM Modi said in an interview with IANS

‘Foreign interference a serious matter of Investigation': PM Modi (Image Source - IANS)

On Monday (27th May), Prime Minister Narendra Modi lashed out at the opposition and the Khan Market gang for creating a false narrative against probing agencies to protect ‘bigger fishes’ (higher-ups involved in corrupt dealings). He emphasised that earlier people always expressed concerns that, in cases of corruption, only the smaller fish (lower-level offenders) faced legal actions, while bigger culprits were spared. He also took a dig at AAP Supremo Arvind Kejriwal stating that those who earlier demanded the arrest of Sonia ji and others are not shouting against the government’s crackdown on corruption.   

In an exclusive interview with news agency IANS, PM Modi was asked why Pakistan endorses Rahul Gandhi and Arvind Kejriwal especially after the abrogation of Article 370 and on several other occasions.

PM Modi replied stating that India’s democracy is very mature and it has healthy traditions. Indian voters do not get influenced by any outside activities. He, however, noted that the issue of Foreign interference is a serious matter of Investigation. 

PM Modi said, “I am not aware why certain people are liked by those who harbour animosity towards us. Why does support emerge from there (Pakistan) for a few individuals? This is a matter that requires thorough investigation.”

Regarding the government’s drive against corruption, PM Modi mentioned that the government is making the country policy-driven, following the mantra of 100% saturation and adopting technology.  

PM Modi added, “According to me saturation is a corruption-free governance. Gives a guarantee. Saturation guarantees social justice. Saturation guarantees secularism.”

Slamming the Khan Market gang for building a narrative to protect bigger fishers in corruption cases, PM Modi said, “Now that big fishes are being caught, we are being asked why we are catching them. What kind of Khan Market Gang is this, which is creating a narrative to protect certain people?”

PM Modi added, “The second matter of concern for the country is the glorification of corrupt individuals. Nowadays, it has become fashionable to celebrate and support corrupt people. The third issue is the hypocrisy of those who once advocated for justice but now oppose it.” 

Taking a dig at Arvind Kejriwal, PM Modi added, “Those who once demanded that Sonia Ji be jailed, are now shouting?” 

Further in the interview, PM Modi stressed that people who have been creating narratives have caused significant harm to the country. Citing a hypocritical stand over India’s import, export, and Atmanirbhar Bharat initiative, PM  Modi slammed narrative builders stating that earlier they used to peddle the narrative that the government was selling the country by importing things from abroad. But now that the government is working on Atmanirbhar Bharat, they spread the narrative that it is a time of Globalisation.   

PM Modi said, “Look, the people who create narratives in our country have caused so much harm to the country. Earlier things used to come from outside, so they used to say, look, we are selling the country, we bring everything from outside. Today, when it is being made in the country, they say, look, this is the era of globalization and you people talk about your own country. I do not understand how to save the country from these elements that are misleading the country in this way. The second thing is that if someone in America says Be American By American, then we are proud of it, but when Modi says Vocal for Local, then people feel that it is against globalisation.”

The Prime Minister added, “My priority behind my mission of a self-reliant India is to provide opportunities for the talent in my country. The youth should get jobs, our nation’s wealth should not go abroad, there should be a value addition to our natural resources, to the products of the work done by our farmers and they should capture the global market.”

(Video Courtesy – Narendra Modi YouTube Channel)

PM Modi further stated that he measured the success of the Foreign Ministry on three parameters which include the nation’s imports from India, possible transfer of technology, and tourists from that nation. 

He noted, “I have told the Ministry of External Affairs that I will measure your success based on three parameters. First, how much stuff from India is bought in the country you are stationed in? Secondly, which is the best technology in that country which India still does not have and how can we get it here? And, thirdly how many tourists do you send to India from that country? India and ‘nation first’ is at the centre of every decision I make.”

PM Modi also hailed India’s success in the digital sphere and the government’s initiative to promote tourism during India’s G20 Presidency. He stressed that he has been holding meetings with the film fraternity, gamers, influencers, and other domain experts to understand their concerns so that India takes the lead in those areas as well.   

Regarding his meeting with Bollywood stars, PM Modi said, “I also had a meeting with people from the film industry. I knew that this fraternity was quite distant from our ideologies, and also from my government. But my job was to understand their issues.”

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia