Chief Secretary

AAP MLA Naresh Balyan, who called for assault on IAS officers booked by police

Fresh trouble for Arvind Kejriwal as another one of his MLA is now booked by police

Joint Forum of Delhi Govt Employees demand written apology from Kejriwal, calls assault on CS a ‘conspiracy’

Government employees assure general public that there is no stoppage of work by them

Trouble for Arvind Kejriwal as BJP and IAS body demand for President’s Rule in Delhi

The Home Ministry is also probing this matter

AAP plays ‘Muslim card’ after accused MLA Amanatullah surrenders in skullcap

AAP alleged their MLAs are being targeted because of their communal identity.

‘I was abused and assaulted in front of Kejriwal’, Delhi Chief Secretary says in police complaint

AAP has used intimidation and assault to force him to comply with illegal directions as per Chief Secretary's complaint