Saturday, July 27, 2024


church abuse

Nigerian televangelist TB Joshua raped, tortured his church disciples, claims of ‘miracle healing’ were fake: BBC probe reveals

Over 25 ex-church members' testimony, including five from the United Kingdom, reveals a horrifying pattern of horrors including rape, forced abortions, and physical assault. The victims said that they were sexually assaulted by Joshua, with a number claiming they were repeatedly raped for years inside the compound.

Karnataka: Catholic Priest serving as Principal of Diocese-run college sexually assaults a minor girl in Shivamogga, arrested

Karnataka police arrested Father Francis Fernandes for sexually assaulting a 17-year-old minor girl from the Banjara (nomadic) community

US: More than 150 Catholic priests in Maryland targeted over 600 children in the last 80 years, a 463-page report reveals

A report published by Maryland Attorney General’s Office made the shocking revelations about the Archdiocese of Baltimore in USA on Wednesday

Tamil Nadu: Catholic priest Benedict arrested for sexual abuse, intimate videos with several women leaked on social media

Benedict Anto was absconding after his obscene videos with women surfaced. He has now been arrested

Navi Mumbai: Bethel Gospel church where children were molested, demolished after NCPCR intervenes

The church was razed by bulldozers on the recommendation of the National Commission of Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR). The NCPCR intervened after receiving multiple complaints of sexual abuse in the church. 

Tamil Nadu: Church blocks access to public road for Hindus, denies education to children for refusing to convert

More than 3000 Hindu residents of the village have been denied access to the public road because they refused to convert to Christianity.

Kerala: Christian priest sentenced to 18 years for sexually assaulting four teenage boys

A case was registered against the priest in Puthoor under Section 377 (unnatural offences) of the Indian Penal Code and other relevant sections of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO) Act, 2012.

Kerala: Priest Pondson John arrested for sexually abusing a minor girl twice, one at Church while ‘counselling’ her, once in her own home

As per the police complaint, the Christian priest misbehaved with her two times at two different locations on March 12 and 13.

Andhra Pradesh: Pastor booked for raping 17 women, 7 boys inside the church for over four years

In her complaint, the victim said that the pastor brought her and other women to the ministry. The Pastor sexually exploited them for the past four years.

Mumbai: Christian priest, sentenced to life in prison now, raped minor boy, Church harassed victim to an inch of his life, reveals mother

The mother of the 12-year-old boy in Mumbai shares her family's struggle in the fight for justice for her 12-year-old son who was raped and sodomised by a Church pastor

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