Saturday, July 27, 2024


Muslim Clerics

Madrassas in Uttar Pradesh object to vaccination as Whatsapp rumour claims they cause impotency and spread deadly diseases

The Uttar Pradesh health department has now sought help from the clerics to address this issue by asking them to silence these rumours.

The latest Deoband Fatwa: Uncle carrying bride to her palanquin is un-Islamic

Deoband clerics issue Fatwa calling it is ritual borrowed from un-Islamic practices.

Telangana: Attacked by Imam for playing devotional songs on loudspeaker, Hindu priest succumbs to injuries

The incident occurred on 26th October, when Satyanarayana Sharma was beaten up by the Imam for playing devotional songs on the loudspeaker.

West Bengal: Muslim clerics and scholars protest demanding hike in stipend to Imams and funds for Madrasas

In this political bewilderment, it seems, it is slowly becoming difficult for Mamata Banerjee to camouflage her real frame of mind

Madhya Pradesh: Madarsa teacher arrested for sexually assaulting a minor student

Accounts of such horrors have become a constant with the Madarsa's

Shia Waqf Board chief Waseem Rizvi expelled from Islam for claiming that homosexuality is prevalent in Madarsas

Wassem Rizvi had earlier supported to build Ram Mandir in Ayodhya and has stated that Muslims who do not want Ram Mandir in Ayodhya should go to Pakistan

UP: Government cancels registration of madarsa after cleric prevents students from singing national anthem

A case of sedition is also filed against the cleric and two other persons

Muslim clerics issue fatwa to stone Nida Khan if she doesn’t leave the country within 3 days

The Islamic fundamentalists are not willing to let go any control they exert on their orthodox society

Man who forced his daughter-in-law for ‘Halala’ with him booked for rape

Only with a stricter implementation of laws can the atrocities against women under the guise of shariat could stop

Cleric wants separate country for Indian Muslims if Sharia courts are not allowed

This bizarre comment came hours after AIMPLB proposal for opening Shariat courts in all districts of India was rejected by the BJP

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