
Prices of most goods expected to go down after GST is enacted from 1st July

The prices of various products can come down from July

Why the Union Budget 2017 did not have any big bang announcements

The budget was a balanced one, even though media reports had suggested otherwise. What could have caused this?

Demonetization and Velocity of Money – something overlooked by many

CA who wrote the open letter to Kejriwal, talks about a new idea

Why amendment in taxation laws was brought in the middle of demonetisation

On Monday, a bill in Lok Sabha was introduced to change some taxation rules. Find why.

Twitter hashtag #SayNoToTaxTerrorism leads to review of new IT return rules

Finance Ministry responded to a Twitter hashtag against the new rules introduced for filing Income Tax returns.

The only summary of Union Budget you need to read

The success of this budget will depend on greater center- state alignment, and an overall focus on good governance and implementation of policies and legislation.