Is Congress trying to help China by making racist comments?

Adhir Chowdhury and Rahul Gandhi, image via Twitter

Do you have questions for the government of China? Of course you do. You probably want to know when exactly the outbreak of Wuhan Coronavirus was detected. You probably want to know whether the information about the outbreak was suppressed and for how long? How many people were allowed to leave Wuhan? Was crucial information about the spread of the disease, its modes of transmission, its infectiousness and mortality rate suppressed?

In other words, how many lives could have been saved if the Chinese government had been forthcoming with information? How many jobs and livelihoods could have been saved? How many hundreds of billions of dollars of economic devastation avoided?

For the government of China, these are extremely difficult and uncomfortable questions. It would be extremely convenient for them not to answer their critics.

What is China’s strategy? They want to silence their critics by calling them racist. It’s an easy escape route for them. The global liberal ecosystem has been very helpful to China in this regard. They have worked very hard to snuff out as much criticism of China as possible, by labeling it as racist.

So what do you make of it when someone like Adhir Chowdhury puts out an offensive tweet like this? Who really benefits from this?

Tweet by Adhir Chowdhury

By using an expression like “yellow expansionist,” has Adhir Chowdhury not given a handle to China to dismiss legitimate questions? An opportunity to label their critics as racist?

We should bear in mind that Adhir Chowdhury is not just another Congress MP. He is a very senior leader and indeed the leader of the Congress party in the Lok Sabha. In other words, if the Congress had won the required minimum of 55 seats, he would have been Leader of the Opposition, enjoying among other things, the status of a Cabinet Minister.  Could a man of his political maturity be speaking in such an absurd manner?

The mention of Taiwan in his tweet is also very interesting. It is well known that the very mention of Taiwan sends China into absolute rage. In the current pandemic, the WHO has been heavily criticized for ignoring what could have been useful and timely information provided by Taiwan. The United States and many of its allies such as Australia and New Zealand have come out openly to say that Taiwan should be allowed to have some representation at the World Health Organization.

China is furious. And how is China trying to defend the current WHO? You guessed it!

Article by Global Times

There it is, straight from China’s state run Global Times newspaper.

So when Adhir Chowdhury uses an expression like “yellow expansionist,” whose propaganda does it help?

This is not the first time that the leader of the Congress in the Lok Sabha has said something that undermines our position versus another country.

Article by Times of India

That is music to Pakistan’s ears. It is everything that Pakistan ever wanted to hear.

In the space of less than one year, the leader of the Congress Party in Lok Sabha has made two outrageous remarks. One has made Pakistan extremely happy. The other has given a handle to China to dismiss criticism against them.

Will Congress clarify? What is going on?

Abhishek Banerjee: Abhishek Banerjee is a columnist and author.