UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres links Coronavirus crisis to patriarchy, condemns nationalism and populism

Image Credit: AP

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres during an address at a Town Hall with young women from ‘civil society organisations’ on the 31st of August has claimed that the Wuhan Coronavirus pandemic has exposed the damaging effects of patriarchy. In the same speech, he also condemned nationalism and populism.

While citizens worldwide have come to realise the utter futility of global institutions in combating the pandemic, with the WHO choosing to serve the interests of the Chinese regime instead, the UNSG insisted that the real problem was patriarchy. He said, “The pandemic is only demonstrating what we all know: that millennia of patriarchy have resulted in a male-dominated world with a male-dominated culture which damages everyone – women, men, girls and boys.”

Antonio Guterres said, “Protecting the rights of women and girls during this time is a top priority for the United Nations. We issued a policy brief in early April, calling on governments to take concrete action to put women and girls – their inclusion, representation, rights, social and economic outcomes and protection – at the centre of all efforts to tackle and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“While statistics indicate that women and girls are at lower risk from the COVID-19 virus itself, they are suffering because of the redirection of health funding and services. It is simply counter-productive, for example, to deprioritize maternal and reproductive health services,” he added. While his concerns regarding current circumstances are legitimate, he appears to see it exclusively from the perspective of gender when, in fact, everyone is suffering the consequences of the chaos unleashed by the virus.

Antonio Guterres also appears intent on using the crisis to implement broad based revolutionary policies to completely restructure human society, with or without the consent of the governed. Despite their monumental failure in addressing the threat posed to the world by the Chinese regime, they appear convinced that the world ought to follow their lead.

The UNSG said, “It is clear that we cannot go back to the failed policies that have resulted in the fragility we see around us – in healthcare systems, in social protection, in access to justice. This is the time to rebuild more equal, inclusive, and resilient societies. Our roadmap is the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”

There is little doubt that the world will have to accommodate changes in order to make it more resilient in the event of another pandemic, the jargon employed by the the UNSG to convey his message appears to be riddled with leftist dogma. Furthermore, the UN has proven to be an extremely toothless organisation in recent times. Therefore, it is unclear whether it will be able to convince China to make the required changes, such as shutting down its wet markets.

The UNSG also found the time to condemn nationalism and populism. He said, “At a time of growing nationalism and populism, the forces ranged against global solidarity can seem overwhelming.” The UN appears unaffected by the fact that populism has seen a rise in the West because the elites in those countries have failed to improve the lives of the masses.

At a time when the credibility of global institutions such as the UN and WHO is at stake, it appears that the UNSG is doing itself no favours by making bizarre comments. And the recent comments made by Antonio Guterres linking the Wuhan Coronavirus pandemic with Patriarchy has earned him great criticism from people on social media.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia