Terrorists join ‘toolkit’ gang after AltNews’ Mohammad Zubair triggers Islamists globally over Nupur Sharma’s remarks on Prophet Muhammad

Ex-BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma

Days after dreaded terror organisation Al Qaeda issued threats of terror attacks in India over ex-BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma’s comments on Prophet Muhammad on a debate in Times Now, Islamic State has claimed that they carried out terror attack on a Gurudwara in Kabul, Afghanistan, as reaction to her statements.

Surprising, not the terror attack, but the reason behind it. Because this is not the first time the Islamists in Afghanistan have attacked Gurudwaras and targeted Sikhs. Much so because in October 2021, soon after Islamist group Taliban took over Afghanistan, they had asked Sikhs to either leave or convert to Islam if they want to live. In the recent attack, it appears like Nupur Sharma and her remarks on Prophet Muhammad were just an excuse to carry out terror attack on religious minorities in Afghanistan and put the blame on Sharma.

It is worth noting that Nupur Sharma’s comments have been deliberately highlighted and given a disproportionate focus by a certain gang after AltNews cofounder Muhammad Zubair dog-whistled and called what was written in the Islamic scriptures ‘hate speech’. Soon after AltNews’ Zubair tweeted the Times Now clip, Nupur started getting death threats and rape threats. There have been bounty announced on her head, some by Islamic religious heads and some even by politicians.

Islamist mobs took to streets for two consecutive weeks after Friday namaz, pelting stones, running riots, even after Sharma had apologised and withdrawn her statements and she was suspended from the BJP. An effigy was hanged outside Belgavi mosque in Karnataka of Nupur, sending a message that this fate awaits anyone who does ‘gustakhi’.

Nupur Sharma’s effigy at Fort Road in Belagavi (Image source: Deccan Herald)

In Taliban-ruled Afghanistan, they’ve hung corpses of dissenters in such public places to send a message. That this happened in a secular India and no action has been taken against those baying for Nupur’s blood says a lot about the street power of the ‘minority community’.

The Middle Easter Islamic countries, too, jumped into the arena and started condemning her statement while demanding action against her while Zubair and his co-religionist ‘influencers’ like financial fraud accused Washington Post columnist Rana Ayyub and others egged more countries to ‘condemn’ it and thereby embarrass India. They chose ‘Ummah’ (community) over India as they cheered foreign countries’ intervention in what should have been India’s internal matter.

What is interesting is that Nupur’s comments were just one of the various ‘controversial’ and ‘needless’ comments on Indian television news channel debates that run into hundreds per month, and it remains a mystery why one comment as picked up to kick an international storm in the Islamic world. Due to this, various analysts have suspected some sort of ‘toolkit modus operandi’ in effect.

Twitter user The Hawk Eye, who carries out online investigation, had pointed out how the trigger behind the Middle Eastern countries ‘condemning’ India was an Arabic hashtag which seemed to have started by a Muslim Brotherhood inspired organisation based in Turkey. This showed that the Ummah worked in perfect synchronisation and coordination to help Islamists play victim by holding the State on ransom.

It appears that now the terrorist groups are part of this ‘toolkit gang’ too. First Al Qaida, then ISIS, and now issuing statements about Nupur Sharma’s comments hint how terrorists with automated weapons could be working in tandem with moderates with keyboards and internet.

What Nupur Sharma said was not said for the first time in history, but the kind of reaction it has been getting does raise suspicions that there is definitely more to it than what meets the eye.

Nirwa Mehta: Politically incorrect. Author, Flawed But Fabulous.