Pakistan: Islamists destroy billboards of Samsung Mobile in Karachi over allegedly blasphemous QR code

Samsung Mobile's billboards faced the ire of amgry TLP Islamists

Dozens of Islamists belonging to extremist Barelvi organisation Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) unleashed mayhem in the mobile market of Karachi, Pakistan, after rumours of an alleged blasphemy against the company. The protestors tore down the billboards of Samsung in the mobile market in the city and indulged in vandalism after they heard that the company has committed ‘blasphemy’ against Islam.

The protests were not limited to the mobile market as billboards in several locations across the city faced the ire of the angry TLP members.

Initial rumours circulating about the incident said that Samsung had introduced a QR code on its devices which is blasphemous. Following this, the Islamists took to the streets of Karachi and started attacking the company’s billboards.

However, later on, a new rumour started circulating that the ‘blasphemy’ was committed by an employee of Samsung Mobile who had given a ‘blasphemous’ name to his WiFi network.

While nobody is sure what was the exact ‘blasphemy’ that was committed, it hasn’t stopped TLP extremists from creating mayhem on the streets of Karachi venting their anger against Samsung Mobile.

Blasphemy by QR codes is not something new in Pakistan

Last year on December 31, a Pakistani man threatened American behemoth Pepsi for printing a QR code with the name of Prophet Muhammad on its 7UP bottles.

The man threatened a Pepsi company’s truck driver with dire consequences if the QR Code on a 7 UP soft drink bottle is not removed by the company. On enquiring, the man, who identified himself as Mulla, insisted that the QR code is actually the name of Prophet Muhammad and if the company does not remove the logo he will burn the truck.

Blasphemy in Pakistan

Pakistan has suffered widespread communal violence and riots over perceived blasphemy against Prophet Muhammad. An unfavourable reference to Prophet Muhammad, or what is referred to as ‘Blasphemy,’ is frequently used by Islamists as a rallying cry to commit violence and communal rioting against ‘non-believers.’ There have been myriad reports of violence and barbarity committed against non-Muslims in the name of blasphemy and desecration of Prophet Muhammad.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia