The dawn of Hindu renaissance: Why Alt News co-founder Mohammed Zubair’s case is worth celebrating

Mohammed Zubair was arrested for hurting religious sentiments

There has been a lot of discussions and hand wringing about the fact that so-called fact checker and Hindu hater Zubair has been granted bail by the highest court of the land. As predicted by many, the judiciary showed its usual alacrity in giving expedited hearing and even asking the court clerk to type out just the operative part of the judgement to save time.

This is in a country where a judge told a man jailed for some SM post that “he is perfectly safe in jail” and another, a lady jailed for well over a month by a liberal regime for mere criticism, not only failed to shock the judiciary’s conscience, but she had to fight the battle at the lowest levels of court system, with none of the professional outragers making any noise. But then this was the norm when “Idea of India” was ruling.

Of course, let us not even mention the crores of pending cases with people rotting away in jail for years and decades simply waiting for their cases to be heard. They cannot get hearings, that too in multiple courts. Nor can they afford high priced lawyers. Or do fund raisers.

What matters is the likes of Rana, Mohammed Zubair, Teesta and Tejpal get expedited hearings, direct access to SC, some of the costliest lawyers in the country, all the money that George Soros or Ford Foundation or other moneybags can spare and of course, instant bail.

This can indeed be depressing to large sections of Indians. The impression one gathers is that rabid, visceral hate directed at Hindus, insulting their Gods gets you complete protection. And by asking Nupur Sharma to run around to dozen different courts and face near certain violence, the system was passing a de facto death sentence on her, without trial. Thankfully that was reversed by the Hon SC perhaps having realised the real meaning and effect of their words.

We are right to be paranoid – that all this is simply part of a well-funded pogrom on the last “pagan” faith that remains standing while indigenous faiths have been ruthlessly obliterated in Americas,  SEA, North East parts of India, China, Africa and many other parts of the globe.

That Mohammed Zubair committed the same sin that Nupur is being hounded for, that too on multiple occasions, is beyond any question.

Did you read about it in any of our fearlessly independent media? Did the Hon Court ask him why he deleted his FB account? Or why he deleted dozens of tweets? And ask him to swear under oath that those tweets were genuine or not? Consider that as evidence? Ask Twitter to release its archives?

Of course, not. We simply have two legal systems. And a free pass for Hinduphobia.

But amidst all this depressive set of news, let us cheer a small victory.

Yes, it is indeed a victory! Let me tell you why.

There was a time Isalmo-fascists, Hindu haters, Stalinist mass butcher left’s intellectual coolies and brown-nosed sycophants of fascist dacoit dynasties could go around in liberal mask and insult Hindus openly.

Today, they are forced to delete their SM accounts, go back in time to check their old posts and delete them. One can be pretty sure they will check their drafts a dozen times going forward.

Isn’t that something worth celebrating?

Hindus, torch bearers of the last remaining indigenous faith,  are slowly awakening. They would no longer tolerate rabid hate and will shout for justice, using the legal system. Not the sort of “justice” that Kanhaiya Lal faced and that our judiciary wanted Nupur to face until it reversed course and decided to protect “her life and liberty”.

Mind you, this legal system was drawn up by the same corrupt fascist crowd that today sings songs of freedom of expression. To the best of my knowledge Modi or NDA did not write any new laws or rules. The “idea of India” gang wrote the laws. They cheered its abuse and insulted its victims. They kept quiet when dissent was crushed under their boots.

Why? They were confident they will never end up in the wrong side of the gun.

Now they are furiously back-pedalling. Isn’t that something worth celebrating?

More importantly, Hindus are waking up to the pogrom and the existential threat posed by the all-weather alliance of Stalinist rapist butcher left and Islamo-fascists, further powered by dollar flow from Western lobbies with their own good reasons to obliterate their faith.

It is not going to be easy to take on and defeat this continuum. There will be losses. But their own weapons, perfected over years can be put to good use against them.

That is exactly what Zubair had to face. His own weapon.

He got out yes, but he is wiser. And so are the victims of his hate campaign.

Isn’t that worth celebrating?

Ganesh R: Ganesh is a software consultant who has spent the last few decades overseas for work. But he is very much an Indian citizen and deeply connected to India. He likes to share his perspectives and opinions which are based on personal experiences, extensive travel and interaction with various cultures.