Maharashtra: Twitter account ‘Hindutva Watch’ booked for spreading fake news, defaming Hindus, and inciting mob during Kolhapur violence

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On Monday, the Maharashtra Police filed an FIR against a Twitter account identified as ‘Hindutva Watch’ for spreading fake news and attempting to incite riots during the recent violence that erupted in Kolhapur city in the state. The Twitter account has been booked under the 153A, 295, and 505 (2) of the Indian Penal Code based on the complaint filed by local Hindu activist Sambhaji alias Banda Salunkhe.

As per the FIR copy obtained by OpIndia, the Twitter account ‘Hindutva Watch’ has been accused of defaming the Hindu community and hurting the religious sentiments of Hindus by posting wrongful videos post violence in Kolhapur. The account has also attempted to spread hatred against Hindus through the tweet by claiming that the Hindu leaders had delivered ‘communal speeches’ which resulted in the violence in the city of Kolhapur.

The complainant further mentioned that the Twitter account posted two videos in a tweet trying to impose on the minds of people that the violence was a result of meetings conducted by local Hindu leaders including Banda Salunkhe.

FIR copy obtained by OpIndia

In his complaint, Sambhaji Salunkhe said, “I work for the Hindu community’s cause for the last few years in the Kolhapur district. For the last two days, there is an attempt to create communal tensions in the city by using social media. I guide people to be united so that Hindus do not lose their existence in society. On 6th June 2023, a video clip of my speech was shot. It was used in the wrong way for the wrong purpose and put before the entire society by the Hindutva Watch Twitter account.”

He further said in his complaint, “The clips of two separate incidents were shared in the same post. I was not involved in that incident, but this post is shared with the intent of defaming me and creating unrest in society. Considering the current situation in the society, there can be communal tensions and they need to be prevented by the legal process.”

“Currently, there is tension prevailing in the city because some people shared wrong posts regarding religion on social media. There is an attempt to defame me by posting a clipping on the Hindutva Watch Twitter account by sharing the video of my speech and the recent violence in the city. This can potentially attract the wrath of the administration against me. therefore I request the administration to take strict action against this Twitter handle. I will not be responsible if any communal tension or violence is incited by this post,” the FIR said.

FIR copy obtained by OpIndia

In the Twitter post shared by the Hindutva Watch, there are two video clips. In one video clip, Sambhaji Salunkhe is seen addressing a group of people on the occasion of the 350th coronation day celebration of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. This is from 6th June 2023. Another clip shows a tense situation in the city on the next day, June 7. In the first tweet in the same thread, Hindutva Watch shared a video clip and said that a Muslim youth was thrashed by Hindus for sharing a social media post hailing Aurangzeb and Tipu Sultan. Hindutva Watch essentially tried to insinuate that Sambhaji Salunkhe’s speech was responsible for the communal tension.

In the video clip shared by Hindutva Watch, Sambhaji Salunkhe is seen appealing to the people to be united. Salunkhe said, “We should be united because there are so many families in which they have only two daughters. We should protect them.” He also appealed to the listeners to call for a peaceful bandh against the social media posts hailing Aurangazeb. It was during this peaceful protest the next day that stones were pelted at innocent Hindus and a law and order situation was created.

Hindutva Watch wrote in the caption, “Hindu extremists thrashed a Muslim youth who uploaded status hailing Aurangzeb and Tipu Sultan. Later, stones were pelted at a mosque during the protest rally by Hindu far-right groups. The situation remains tense as far-right leaders like Banda Sakunkhe try to keep the pot simmering by delivering communal speeches. As of now, Kolhapur Police continues to ignore his hateful rhetoric and calls for violence.”

Massive tensions erupted in the city of Kolhapur in Maharashtra on Wednesday, June 7, amid peaceful protest by Hindu organisations against people who posted social media stories praising Aurangzeb and Islamic tyrant Tipu Sultan on the glorious day when the state celebrated the 350th Rajyabhishek Day of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.

Notably, the Twitter account Hindutva Watch is ill-known to insinuate false things against Hindu activists and Hindu organisations. It is run by one Raqeeb Hameed Naik who lives in the USA and identifies himself as a Kashmiri journalist.

Hindutva Watch has shared several such inciting posts in the past which may potentially cause religious tensions and communal disharmony in the society. Hindu activist Sambhaji Salunkhe has demanded strict action against this account for defaming him by spreading fake news against him and inciting riots.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia