250 hostages rescued, over 60 Hamas terrorists neutralised by Israel Defense Forces near Gaza security fence

Screengrab of the rescue operation, image via X/ IDF

On Friday (13th October), the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) shared headcam footage of how its personnel rescued about 250 hostages alive and neutralised 60+ Hamas terrorists near the Gaza security fence area.

In a tweet, it informed that the ‘Flotilla 13 Elite Unit’ also regained control of the Sufa military post in Southern Israel from Hamas on 7th October.

“The Flotilla 13 elite unit was deployed to the area surrounding the Gaza security fence in a joint effort to regain control of the Sufa military post on October 7th,” IDF said.

“The soldiers rescued around 250 hostages alive. 60+ Hamas terrorists were neutralized and 26 were apprehended—including Muhammad Abu A’ali the Deputy Commander of the Hamas Southern Naval Division,” it added.

The military operation by IDF was conducted soon after Hamas terrorists launched a deadly attack on Israel and infiltrated into its territory. About 13 soldiers were airlifted to the scene to counter the threat of Hamas.

In the headcam video, it could be seen that the ‘Flotilla 13 Elite Unit’ personnel firde multiple rounds and captured the Islamist terrorists. “Shayetet, Shayetet, stay in the bunker, we’re coming,” one of the officers was heard saying.

Israel under attack by Hamas terrorists

In the meanwhile, the death toll in the Hamas terror attack in Israel has crossed 1300, as per latest reports, while over 3,300 are injured. Most of the victims are civilians, as Hamas terrorists opened fire on civilian areas in Israel near the Gaza border.

Hamas also abducted a large number of victims, holding them as hostages in Gaza. Bodies of over 1500 Hamas terrorists have been located in Israel and along the border, killed in retaliatory fire by Israeli forces.

Hundreds of Hamas terrorists entered Israel through land, sea and even using paragliders, after overwhelming the Iron Dome missile defence system of Israel by firing over 5000 rockets in just 20 minutes.

Israel has launched a massive attack on Gaza Strip following the terror attack, and has struck hundreds of Hamas sites. Israel has also cut power and water supply to Gaza and has prevented entry of supplies to the landlocked coastal strip.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia