Gurugram mouth freshener case: Restaurant manager arrested, customers were given toxic ‘dry ice’, say reports

Gurugram mouth freshener case: images via the viral video

The manager of a cafe in Haryana’s Gurugarm has been arrested by the police after diners reportedly fell ill and vomited after consuming mouth fresheners, said the police on Tuesday.

According to the police, the manager of the cafe, Gagandeep, is set to be produced in the district court today.

“On the night of March 3, we got information from the hospital that some people had been admitted here. Police reached the spot and the people who were admitted lodged a complaint and said they had gone to a restaurant. After the food, they were given a mouth freshener. After eating it, they started vomiting and had a burning sensation in their mouth, due to which they were admitted to the hospital,” said Surender Sheoran, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP), Manesar, Gurugram.

After reaching the hospital, the doctor said the mouth fresheners contained ‘dry ice’, which is a deadly acid that can lead to death.

“A case under Sections 328 and 120B has been registered against the staff and the restaurant owner. The manager of the restaurant has been arrested. Further investigation is underway,” added ACP Sheoran.

Earlier, reports stated that a waitress had been booked in the case under sections of criminal conspiracy and causing damage by poisoning.

On March 3, Ankit Kumar and his wife went for dinner to the Laforestta Cafe in Gurugram’s Sector 90 along with their friends. 5 persons started bleeding from their mouth, and vomiting after consuming the mouth freshener that was served to them after their meals.

Ankit had filed a police complaint stating that the restaurant had given them granules of dry ice instead of the mouth freshener. Ankit said that since he was carrying his one-year-old daughter, he didn’t consume the mouth freshener. Videos of the customers bleeding from their mouth and suffering from visible pain went viral on social media soon after.

(With inputs from ANI)

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia