
How FirstPost maligned the Indian Army with a shoddy article

The FirstPost article isn't just nonsense, but utterly so

How fake news about ‘RSS-linked org promising fair babies’ was invented by media

NDTV, Indian Express, and The Wire carried the news without undertaking any fact check.

When Prime Minister Rahul Gandhi addressed the nation

A short account of what happened when the Prime Minister addressed the nation.

A soldier asks : Viral videos of army men – who benefits?

The media is playing a dangerous game, and the citizens should know it.

Breaking the neo-caste barrier of speech and opinions

For long, a particular group has controlled the narrative and monopolised the speech. They face challenge now.

Appointment of the Army Chief – If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it

Merit over seniority argument might appear tempting, but it has its pitfalls.

Aam Aadmi Party and the demise of hope

A former member of India Against Corruption and Aam Aadmi Party shares his anguish at the decline.

Analysing the SIMI encounter – a view from a veteran

A view from the armed forces