Saturday, July 27, 2024
4 Articles by

Saumya Dey

Saumya Dey is an Assistant Professor of History at O.P. Jindal Global University.

Why are the domestic ‘liberals’ so pessimistic about India? Here are some reasons

The Indian 'liberal' (within quotes) exhibits some typical behaviour that can be termed 'orientalist'. Read why.

Why the so-called liberals of India hate Bahubali the movie so much

Their objections might sound ridiculous and pseduo-intellectual, but there is something else that upsets them.

What ails JNU? Well, some of its students inhabit the island of Calypso

The revolution makers of JNU inhabit a delusional mental state that is incapable of bringing about any genuine, desirable changes in their surroundings.

The Greek demagogue, and how the modern Right could be the New Left

The leaders on the ‘right’ are often called ‘demagogues’, which is true in the ancient sense of the word.

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