Saturday, July 27, 2024


Anti India Propaganda

Anti-India, anti-Israeli propaganda and peddling of Pakistani narrative on Kashmir: Meet Shabana Mahmood, the Labour MP now in charge of ‘justice’ in UK

Shabana Mahmood doubled down on her anti-India activism after Prime Minister Modi-led-BJP government abrogated Article 370 of the Indian Constitution on 5th August 2019.

Lies about RSS, whitewashing of Islamist violence in Leicester, ties to radical outfit and more: Meet Shockat Adam, UK MP supported by extremist Majid...

Shockat Adam had had roped in serial fake news peddler CJ Werleman to spread canards about his country of origin during a webinar in December 2020.

‘Incorrectly implied’: ABC News accepts that its ‘journalist’ Avani Dias lied about Indian Constitution in documentary targeting PM Modi

ABC News ‘journalist’ Avani Dias forgot one key piece of information – The word secular was not part of the Indian Constitution when it came into force in 1950.

Derogatory memes, deepfakes and fantasies about invading India: How extremists are using AI to dehumanise the Hindu community

MEMRI exposed how white supremacists had been scaremongering about demographic change in the UK and using Indians as bait to allege the growing presence of immigrants in the country.

Downplaying Khalistani extremism, targeting India-Australia ties, fuelling Indophobia: ABC News ‘journalist’ Avani Dias makes outlandish claims about Modi govt

Avani Dias and her propagandist friends at ABC News sought to weaken India-Australia ties and create an atmosphere of diplomatic distrust.

‘Glorification of terrorism, open calls for secession and repetition of Pakistani propaganda’: Read Arundhati Roy’s anti-India speech from 2010 for which she faces charges...

During her speech, Arundhati Roy openly called for the secession of Jammu and Kashmir from the Union of India and reiterated the Pakistani narrative of 'Azadi.'

ABC News ‘journalist’ Avani Dias, who lied about her visa cancellation by Modi govt, now spreads falsehoods about Indian constitution

Avani Dias alleged, "Just so you're across it, when India was founded in 1947 after it got independence from the British, its constitution was written to say India is a secular country, which means it has to be neutral and open to all religions."

Pro Congress ‘journalist’, who attended madrassa to learn secularism, now uses his dead father for anti-Modi propaganda

If there was resentment among the common people as Kapil Komireddi's late father had allegedly prophesied, it should have been reflected in the voting pattern since 2014.

Exposed: China using fake accounts to pose as Sikhs on Facebook and Instagram, peddle pro-Khalistani propaganda and separatism

Meta noted that the pro-Khalistani propaganda by China was not limited to Facebook alone. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) bots also used social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.

‘Had a dream about EVMs not counting votes’: Anti-India, pro-Congress ‘journalist’ narrates fictional story to cast aspersions on Indian elections

Nitasha Kaul conjectured a make-believe story to lend credence to the conspiracy theory mainstreamed by Congress party about the Electronic Voting Machines.

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