
Jammu and Kashmir Panchayat elections: The mark of a new dawn and perhaps, a new destiny

Facts are extremely stubborn things and no amount of wishful thinking or inclinations can alter reality

Day after court orders FIR against Congress leaders in Vyapam case, Rahul Gandhi raises it

Rahul Gandhi repeats the lies, despite those lies having been debunked over and over.

Candidates can’t be barred from contesting polls on framing of criminal charges only: SC

The five-judge bench headed by Dipak Misra said that the onus lies on the Parliament

Rahul Gandhi’s latest gaffe: ‘Amit Shah called India a golden bird, this means he thinks India is a commodity’

Rahul Gandhi said that Amit Shah things India is a product to be used

Here is why BJP has won 96% of the seats uncontested in local body by-elections in Tripura

It appears that the allegations of the opposition parties are mere political posturing.

Leftist goons unleash violence during the JNU Students’ Union election, ABVP students hurt

Some ABVP students have been hospitalised after the attack by alleged Leftist goons

Violent clashes between BJP and ally IPFT in Tripura, many injured

The alliance has been sailing through troubled waters for quite sometime.

Delhi University Students Union (DUSU) Elections: A Festival of Democracy

Youth needs direction; they can change the world and what better way to begin than to understand the power of their vote

Congress criteria for selecting candidates for election: 15,000 likes on FB, 5,000 followers on Twitter

Interesting to note here is that, before Uttar Pradesh assembly elections in 2017, BJP also had determined similar criteria

More than 1 lakh ‘bogus’ voters dropped from Delhi’s draft electoral roll

About 12 lakh bogus voters were culled in 2013