Saturday, July 27, 2024



10 Things you should know about Leela Samson

A sordid past of CBFC chairperson Leela Samson who is trying to create a scene by resigning over a non-issue

Muslim cleric in India leads special prayer to praise Charlie Hebdo killers

A Muslim cleric in Hyderabad has led a funeral prayer, where he praises the murder of cartoonists the French magazine Charlie Hebdo.

Mia Khalifa, adult film actress from the Middle East, gets death threat on Twitter

The pornstar Mia Khalifa is being accused of defaming local culture and sensibilities of the Middle Eastern people and society.

Charlie Hebdo: This is not the time to discuss “limits” of free speech

Such debate will unwittingly legitimize the medieval and violent ideology that the perpetrator of the crime subscribes to.

What kind of ‘Liberalism’ Indian Journalists follow before blocking people on Twitter?

Those who question every authority and demand immediate answers, choose to block people on social media when they are questioned.

Muslim family that converted to Hinduism stops puja after getting threats

The threat to the family came after an article in Urdu newspaper argued that those leaving Islam could be killed.

2014, the year ‘liberals’ lost their marbles

It was just another year, it was just another elections, but the "liberals" lost their marbles, because things didn't turn out the way they wanted.

Former editor of The Hindu believes Pakistan has a ‘Right to Retaliate’

As editor of The Hindu, Varadrajan had got the newspaper publish a report that virtually justified beheadings of Indian soldiers by Pakistani Army.

What kinds of people glorify someone like Nathuram Godse? Respected poets!

How would the liberals treat someone who calls Nathuram Godse a martyr and justifies his act of murder? Urdu poet Iqbal did just that!

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