Saturday, July 27, 2024


Kyle Rittenshouse

Former US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard slams President Joe Biden, media for falsely labeling Kyle Rittenhouse a ‘White Supremacist’: Details

Tulsi Gabbard has been the most prominent Democrat to have gone against the party line on the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict.

The Big Tech propaganda on the Kyle Rittenhouse trial: Why India should be wary of social media giants furthering ‘liberal’ agenda

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial centered around self-defense and gun rights was one of the most discussed cases in the USA.

Facebook fact-checker’s ‘fact-check’ comes back to haunt it: How Politifact peddled leftist propaganda about Kyle Rittenhouse

Facebook's fact-checker Politifact had termed posts that said it was legal for Kyle Rittenhouse to possess a weapon as false.

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