Bihar: Gold trader kidnapped, murdered, body recovered three days later, 3 arrested

Bihar man Hariji Gupta kidnapped and murdered in Bihar Image: Dainik Bhaskar

After a two-day search operation, the body of a gold trader kidnapped in Bihar’s Arrah was found on Wednesday, November 2. The gold trader identified as Hariji Gupta was murdered after being kidnapped, and his body decayed in water. Three people were arrested after the police launched an investigation.

“We discovered his body after a two-day search. After being kidnapped, he was murdered. Since the body decomposed in water, a post-mortem committee of doctors was formed,” Himanshu, the Assistant Superintendent of Police, stated on Saturday, November 5.

“An FIR has been filed in the case, three people have been arrested, and further investigation is underway,” he informed.

Earlier, after Hariji Gupta went missing on Wednesday, his family suspected kidnapping. The family members tried and failed to locate him and later filed a police complaint. Three suspects were detained by police.

According to family members, Gupta had gone to collect rent from his market. Gupta’s phone rang throughout the night before being turned off. According to the police, the phone’s last known location was in Behea.

Hariji Gupta was a resident of Bihar’s Arrah and owned three jewellery shops there. He also owned two shops in Patna. He also had a market on the Arrah bypass Road, where he ran several shops. Gupta was also a lawyer.

The police also retrieved his motorcycle from the suspected location. The police detained three people as part of the investigation.

According to the police, the businessman had an argument with one of his tenant in the markets. Subsequently, he had removed the tenant from the shop.

Apparently, jungle raj has returned in Bihar as in the last few months attacks and targeted killings of traders, local leaders and general lawlessness are at their peak. In September this year, BJP leader and contractor Bablu Singh was shot in broad daylight by two masked criminals in the Arrah city of Bihar. Singh was shot from a very close range while he was on his morning walk. He was immediately shifted to the local hospital where he is undergoing treatment.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia