Three Palestinian terrorist leaders Jehad Mheisen, Rafat Abu Hilal and Jamila al-Shanti eliminated in airstrikes by Israel, read details

Jamila al-Shanti was killed in Israel airstrikes. Image Source: Times of Israel

Senior Hamas leader Jehad Mheisen was killed in an Israeli airstrike on Thursday, 19th October, during the ongoing bombing of Hamas sites in Gaza. The attack took place in Gaza’s Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood, eliminating Mheisen as well as several other close aides of the terrorist including some family members.

Palestinian media outlet Jerusalem News Network stated, “Major General Jehad Mheisen, Commander of the Palestinian National Security Forces in the Gaza Strip, and his family were killed by the bombing of his house inside the Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood.”

Other Islamic terrorists killed today

The Israeli Defence forces have eliminated many more terrorist leaders from Hamas and other terrorist organisations. Among others reportedly killed on Thursday 19th October are Rafat Abu Hilal and Jamila al-Shanti.

Rafat Abu Hilal was the head of the military wing of Gaza’s Popular Resistance Committees terror group, the third-largest terror faction in the Gaza Strip after Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Jamila al-Shanti was the widow of Hamas co-founder Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi.

With the killing of Al-Shanti, there are now four members of the political bureau of Hamas who have been shot by Israeli airstrikes since the Hamas assault on 7th October that sparked the conflict.

On 10th October, the terrorist organisation’s internal relations head Zakariya Abu Moammar and financial manager Jawad Abu Shamala were both killed. On 16th October, Osama Mazini, a former member of the Shura Council and minister of education for Hamas, was shot.

Other Islamic terrorists eliminated by Israel so far in this war

On 17th October (Tuesday), the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) carried out airstrikes on a home that reportedly belonged to the family of Hamas Chairman Ismail Haniyeh, who currently lives in Qatar. 14 members of his family were eliminated in the strike. On the same day, an Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip eliminated the head of Hamas’s Central Gaza Brigade, Ayman Nofal

The head of Hamas’s Air Force Murad Abu Murad was killed in the Israeli airstrike on 14th October. On the same day, the Israeli Air Force eliminated a top Hamas terrorist named Ali Qadi, who led the mass killing of Israeli civilians during the terror attack on 7th October.

Islamic terrorists’ anti-Israel propaganda regarding an explosion at a hospital busted

Amidst the ongoing violence, reports of a devastating explosion at the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in the Gaza Strip emerged. Palestinians and several Arab countries, including Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, were quick to point fingers at Israel, accusing them of deliberately targeting the medical facility.

Media houses like Al Jazeera, the Iranian channel Press TV, and the likes of Alt News co-founder Mohammed Zubair ran propaganda being pushed by Hamas, claiming it was an Israeli rocket. Later, multiple proofs appeared making it clear that Israel did not attack the hospital. It was revealed that the rocket that fell on the hospital was not shot by Israel but by an Iran-backed terrorist organisation, Islamic Jihad, that operates from Gaza.

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, now in its 13th day, has taken a heavy toll on the region. The death toll has climbed to nearly 5,000 people, with many more injured on both sides. On 7th October, Hamas terrorists entered Israel using motor gliders, boats, and trucks, targeting civilians and Israeli soldiers.

Since then, Hamas has taken over 300 people hostage. In response, Israel has launched counterattacks on the Islamic terrorists, vowing to dismantle their infrastructure.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia