Saturday, July 27, 2024
8 Articles by

Gaurav Sansanwal

Lawyer practicing before Courts in Delhi | Right-of-Centre |

Advice viewer discretion, but don’t demonise Arnab Goswami

In the world of Indian broadcast journalism, Arnab Goswami is an outlier.

Why the Uttar Pradesh mandate was for Yogi Adityanath

Factors that led to the elevation of Yogi Adityanath and the challenges that lie ahead.

The Modi-Doval doctrine of “Offensive Defence” marks its arrival

The dawn of a new strategic era is upon us.

The importance of being Sushma Swaraj

From the heir, to the outsider and now back into the limelight

Why Are Delhi’s Roads Flooded? – Some Solutions

Every problem has a solution, just that one must try to solve

The time is right for Uttar Pradesh to be divided into smaller states

Why it makes economic as well as political sense

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