Saturday, July 27, 2024
43 Articles by


Global Citizen, Kannada roots, Indian values, Man United spirit, Fiscal conservative

Here are the false, convoluted media narratives that were peddled in 2019 and failed miserably

In 2014, Modi steamrolled the opposition, because they were dead on arrival. He won 282 seats. In 2019, opposition and media had more ammunition to attack him. He wins 303 seats.

Rahul Gandhi and how the media has been making him ‘come of age’ for the past 10 years

After 2014 elections, efforts to resurrect his sorry career continued after every speech he gave in the parliament, after every odd election wins and after any success during news cycles.

Tejasvi Surya: A political star is born

It is fraught with risk to call someone a star at the beginning of a career. However, Tejasvi Surya has earned his stripes

Dear Indian journalists, don’t go gaga over Kartarpur corridor, for Pakistan and Imran Khan it is a matter of survival

The paeans being sung by the mainstream media that Imran Khan has taken a historic step in the Kartarpur issue is highly misplaced.

Karnataka’s moment of reckoning is here

Congress is pushing more people into the 'secular' category, its core vote bank

How Rajdeep Sardesai grilled Mamata Bannerjee with some tough questions

Rajdeep should consider joining politics and sparing the profession of journalism the disgrace he brings to it

The missing questions from the Media as Gujarat elections approach

A desperate form of electoral politics is being played, and media appears complicit in it.

Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Germany gets extensive coverage in German media

Modi is currently on a four nation tour in Europe and Russia. German media treated the tour with the importance.

Can SM Krishna help BJP in Karnataka?

If Krishna remains active for few more years and attracts his followers to BJP, it's a good 'investment'.

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