Saturday, July 27, 2024
6 Articles by

Naagesh Padmanaban

All things considered by this ordinary citizen of the world; Calls a spade a spade. US based armchair pundit

RBI Deputy Governor’s remarks against Govt are unbecoming and betray the tradition of the institution

It is time for the Modi government to act decisively and bring in new blood into the RBI.

The Curious Case Of Justice Chelameswar

The writing on the wall is clear.

The political impact of Prime Minister Modi’s ‘transform India’ mission

The days of perverted appeasement politics is definitely over and seems to have had a quiet burial.

No P Chidambaram, Indian Economy is not a ‘vehicle with 3 punctured tires’ and the numbers prove it

This is the new ground reality politicians in India have to contend with. False narratives will be called out

India’s transformation under Modi and its implications

The govt has put in an unbelievable number of policy reforms and public investments in hundreds of projects that have borne fruit

The scandal unfolding in Tirumala Hills has a larger message for all Hindus

The price of religious freedom is eternal vigilance

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