Saturday, July 27, 2024
8 Articles by

Rohit Vats

An armchair general during his free time, the author blogs about defense and strategic issues at Perspective . His tweeter handle is  KesariDhwaj

Half a million or 1 million? While media peddles fantastical claims, here are the actual number of troops deployed in Jammu and Kashmir

The latest number of Indian security personnel in Jammu & Kashmir is 1 million! Yes, that’s 1,000,000 troops deployed in Jammu & Kashmir with the express purpose to hold the local population, according to media that doesn't much care for facts.

The Print article by Shekhar Gupta on air battle after Balakot airstrikes peddles faulty analysis, half truths and whole lies

In most cases, commentators have tried to be factual and present as accurate an account of the aerial battle as possible. A noted exception has been an article carried in The Print and written no less by Shekhar Gupta.

MiG 21: Over 50 glorious years of service in Indian Air Force

In the aviation world, especially that of fighter aircraft, MiG-21 is an icon.

Fact-Check: N Ram is lying in his The Hindu article about the Rafale Deal, here’s how

The Hindu article gets its facts wrong and makes a blunder in analysing them

Rafale Deal: Comprehensive data analysis of the cost proves that India has got a far better deal compared to 2007

The data available in the public domain clearly shows the present Rafale deal represents a beneficial deal for the country and the Indian Air Force.

The day my father went to war

Alas! Peace was to elude us during our ‘peace’ posting.

An analysis of Pakistan Army’s anti-tank missiles, their deployment and implications for the Indian Army: All you need too know

Pakistan Army possesses strong anti-tank capability which will be a challenge to Indian mechanized formations

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