Barack Obama

Hunter Biden’s laptop reveal chat with lawyer, N-word and racist remarks surface

Hunter Biden's controversial laptop and hard drive were picked up from a Delaware computer repair shop. His association with a Ukrainian gas company and alleged links with prostitution rackets had…

Designated Islamist terrorist in Syria seeks acceptance in the USA, cites common interest with the West in toppling Assad regime

Abu Muhammad al-Julani and his organization have fought against Assad’s forces, Assad’s Russian and Iranian allies, and Jolani’s own former allies in ISIS and Al Qaeda.

Former Spiritual adviser to Obama and Bush, Pastor Kirbyjon H Caldwell sentenced to 6 years in jail for selling fake Chinese bonds to followers

Pastor Kirbyjon H Caldwell had sold Chinese bonds issued in 1949 with no current investment value to his followers

Barack Obama administration knowingly gave US aid money to Al-Qaeda affiliate, says Senate Committee report

US govt had granted taxpayer money to Al-Qaeda linked Islamic Relief Agency (ISRA), which had worked with World Vision

Donald Trump voted most admired man in USA for 2020, ends Obama’s 12 year reign

American President Donald Trump unseated his predecessor Barack Obama who had held on to the title for the past 12 years.

Uranium, missiles and flip-flops: A brief history of the fissions and fusions of US-Iran relations over the years

President-elect Joe Biden has expressed his readiness to restart negotiations with the Iran on the nuclear deal.

UP lawyer files civil suit, seeks FIR against former US President Barack Obama for ‘insulting’ Rahul Gandhi

The lawyer has stated that if an FIR is not filed against Obama, he will sit on a hunger strike outside the US embassy.

‘It is an open secret that Pakistani military had ties with Taliban and possibly even Al Qaeda’: Former US President Barack Obama in his memoir

Barack Obama writes in his memoir that Pakistan was not informed about the Abbottabad mission as its military had links with terror groups