Caste Divide

Rajasthan: Congress minister declares her first duty is towards her caste

Mamta Bhupesh said her first duty is towards her caste.

Congress using slain gangster’s family to appeal for Rajput votes in Rajasthan

Congress’ desperate attempt to ride two horses at the same time laid exposed several times

BBC makes it clear, controversial poster held by Twitter CEO was about Brahmins and about defaming Brahmins

(BBC) which recently released a shoddy research branding Nationalists as the driving force behind fake news only to later retract the generalisation slyly, has come up with a cartoon that…

Karnataka: Congress’ DK Shivakumar confesses it was a mistake to divide Hindus by declaring Lingayat a separate religion

The Congress government headed by Siddaramaiah had recommended for a separate religion tag for 'Lingayat'

How ‘independent’ journalists and Congress tried to fan discord after election dates were announced

With the race to 2019 general elections heating up and 5 states heading to polls before 2019, the media seems to be in overdrive

‘Media watchdog’ Newslaundry peddles casteist propaganda on Jagannath Temple, Puri

Not the first time Newslaundry columnist and journalists have been caught on the wrong foot.

How the media propagated a casteist lie about the Jagannath Temple, Puri

secular elites should keep Mahaprabhu and His abode free from their cheap politics and stinking agenda

Lingayat minority status granted by Congress ahead of Karnataka elections challenged in High Court

The primary grounds for the challenge is that Veershaivas and Lingayats fall under the Hindu religion

Media misquotes Uma Bharti, twists her statement to project her as anti-Dalit

She had stated that she prefers to invite Dalits to her home to dine with her because Dalit visiting our homes will purify us

No Dalit, Muslim in the newly elected Editors Guild of India

Editors Guild is an establishment, obsessed with its own importance and reeks of privilege.