Saturday, July 27, 2024


Charlie Hebdo

Iran threatens French magazine Charlie Hebdo with Salman Rushdie-like fate for publishing cartoons on Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Charlie Hebdo recently published a raft of critical cartoons mocking Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Pakistan: Islamists clash with Police over Charlie Hebdo cartoon, kill four cops

In April, too, this year, Pakistan had reached the brink of a civil war after Imran Khan government failed to contain the riots led by TLP.

How an Islamic charity in the UK made public the name of a teacher who showed a cartoon of Prophet Mohammad and endangered his...

The UK teacher was suspended from Batley Grammar School for showing students a satirical cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad

Charlie Hebdo cartoon mocking Hindu deities for Covid-19 crisis turns out to be fake? Here’s what we know

Some social media users pointed out the hypocrisy of these 'left-liberals', who were just a few months back attacking the same French magazine for publishing cartoons that were allegedly hurtful for Muslims.

Pakistan govt forgets its right to expel diplomats, promises bill in National Assembly to expel French Ambassador today when house is not in session

Its been over a week but Pakistan government has failed to resolve the impasse on the expulsion of the French Ambassador

Pakistan violence: Imran Khan government fails to control riots that erupted from protests against France

TLP is getting support in Pakistan from all sections, including armed police and military personnel.

French Embassy asks its citizens, companies to leave Pakistan following violent anti-France protests over Prophet cartoons

Pakistan is facing a civil war after TLP launched a massive violent protest against arrest of its leader and Muhammad cartoons in France

‘He will be killed like Samuel Paty’: Father of UK school teacher fears after Muslim groups protest over Muhammad cartoons shown in class

The father of the teacher said that his son would never be able to return to his old life and that he would eventually be killed like Samuel Paty in France.

Thousands of students and parents express solidarity with British teacher who was suspended for showing Prophet Muhammad cartoons in class

The petition launched by a student at Batley Grammar School in West Yorkshire said the teacher had "pure intentions"

British teacher forced to apologise for showing Charlie Hebdo cartoons to students, police officials read the statement to Muslim protestors

The headteacher of a school in the United Kingdom was forced to apologise to Muslims for showing Charlie Hebdo cartoons to students

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