Citizenship Amendment Act

‘Anti-Muslim, discriminatory, exclusionary’: International media peddles false narrative against CAA to incite Indian Muslims

The blatant labelling of CAA as ‘anti-Muslim’, ‘discriminatory’ and whatnot insinuates that the most important aspect of the Act is not that it will allow citizenship in India to persecuted…

‘CAA will not take away citizenship of any Indian citizen irrespective of religion’: PIB fact-checks lies of Qatar-owned, Islamist propaganda outlet Al Jazeera

"Misinformation is being spread by Al Jazeera regarding the Citizenship Amendment Act, calling the act 'anti-Muslim'," PIB tweeted.

“Unconstitutional, anti-Muslim, religion-based”: As CAA is implemented, Owaisi, Al Jazeera and others start peddling misinformation, call for protests

In 2020, the same ecosystem was at work inciting Islamists against CAA and manufacturing propaganda against India and Hindus through the Western media

Mamata Banerjee; ‘Muslim journalist’ and Islamists start inciting violence, “CAA implemented on eve of Ramzan” seems to be the new toolkit

As soon as the Union Home Ministry officially notified the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), journalists, lawmakers, and Islamists, went into overdrive spreading false information that the Act discriminates against Muslims…

Government of India notifies implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) rules: Read what gazette notification says

The Lok Sabha on 9th December 2019 passed the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill 2019 while the Rajya Sabha passed it on 11th December 2019.

Union Home Ministry to notify CAA today, state DGPs & Chief Secretaries to chair meetings: Reports

On 6th March, Uttar Pradesh Director General of Police (DGP) Prashant Kumar had stated that the UP Police is completely ready for CAA to be implemented.

With some Muslims feeling unsafe in India, Pakistan should introduce its own version of CAA

Elections have just finished in Pakistan- Whichever government comes, or grabs power, should take up a task in the very first meeting of the cabinet to start a ‘CAA-PAKISTAN’, or…

CAA is an Act of the country, it will be notified and implemented before Lok Sabha elections: Home Minister Amit Shah

Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday said that CAA will be notified and implemented before the upcoming Lok Sabha polls.

MHA to notify CAA rules ‘much before’ Lok Sabha polls: Officials

On December 27, Union Home Minister Amit Shah asserted that the implementation of the CAA cannot be halted as it stands as the law of the land.