
Hindus need to shift the Overton window to make their voices heard

Hindus need to make their voices heard to bring about a political shift.

How the cruel practice of raising animals for meat is close to being torn down

The cruel, senseless, and unnecessary farming of animals for meat is destined to meet a similar end.

Standing up for Hindus: In Conversation with author-journalist Francois Gautier

Indian born French journalist Francois Gautier talks on a range of issues concerning India, Hinduism and the society

Niṇyāvacāṁsi: Essence of the Vedas; which not just describe Satya, but themselves are Satya – the Absolute Truth

The Rig Veda and other Vedas speak of the knowledge of self-realisation and unity consciousness in Brahman

Hindus need to defend and promote their faith, even if that sounds ‘controversial’ to others

The insights of the Vedic Rishis need not be pushed; they only need to be known.

BHU Dharma Vigyan students deserve an apology for being labelled as ‘bigots’

A few weeks ago, headlines went viral about protests at BHU against a newly appointed professor of Sanskrit who happened to be Muslim.

How the BHU students were demonised and the ones who refused to be ‘secularised’ unfairly called ‘bigots’

BHU students have been protesting against the appointment of a Muslim professor in the Dharma Vigyan department.

The BHU controversy: Demanding that ‘Hindu Dharma Vigyan’ be taught by a Hindu and not a Muslim is not bigotry

Students at the Sanskrit Vidya Dharma Vigyan (SVDV) in BHU have been protesting over the appointment of a Muslim professor, Dr Firoz Khan, at the institution.

‘Not against Muslims’ – protesting students at BHU explain their position. An OpIndia exclusive

Recently, in Banaras Hindu University (BHU)'s Sanskrit Vidya Dharm Vigyan (SVDV) stream, a Muslim professor Dr Firoz Khan was appointed as an assistant professor.