Thursday, December 26, 2024



India makes strides towards becoming a Malaria-free nation: Country excluded from WHO’s High Burden to High Impact group as cases plummet by 97%

India has achieved a significant milestone in its fight against malaria, with cases plummeting by over 97% since independence.

Indifference to ‘slow poison’ in Indira Canteens shows how ‘secularism’ is literally killing people

No onion and garlic in school midday meals becomes an issue, but E. coli in Indira Canteen meals does not

What media won’t admit : Yogi Adityanath is destroying Dengue, Malaria, Japanese Encephalitis and Chikungunya in UP

Just a look at the numbers will tell you things are changing in Uttar Pradesh, for better.

420 people dead in Kerala this year due to various serious diseases

The opposition has claimed that the figures are deflated

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