Tuesday, December 24, 2024


Jogendra Nath Mandal

Wikipedia distorts history: Claims Pakistan’s first law minister JN Mandal returned to India for his son’s illness, does not mention his concerns about anti-Hindu...

Jogendra Nath Mandal resigned from Pakistan govt and returned to India in 1950 due to anti-Hindu riots and policies, and the anti-Dalit bias in Muslim majority administration in Pakistan.

Pakistani journalist cites Jogendra Nath Mandal to boast about Jinnah’s secularism: Here is why their first law minister had returned to India

Contrary to the claims of Hamid Mir, Jogendra Nath Mandal, a Hindu, had resigned from the Pak govt because of the brutal persecution of Hindus that went on in the newly formed Islamic country.

Jinnah’s ideology: Prof Brij Narain, a strong supporter of Pakistan’s creation, was hacked to death by an Islamist mob in Lahore in 1947

Prof Brij Narain, an enthusiastic exponent of Pakistan, was hacked to death in broad daylight by a Muslim mob even as he kept pleading them to stop ransacking his house in Lahore in the wake of partition .

Pakistan declares Dalits as different religion from Hinduism in their census

In the religion column of the census form, ‘Hinduism’ and ‘Scheduled Castes’ appear as different options.

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