
Origins of Hindutva: Re-arming Hinduism in an era of nation states

Considering recent political developments and the rise in the political consciousness of Hindus which is reflected in Indian polity being remarkably vocal regarding Hindu concerns and interests, the achievement of…

BBC’s choice of fact-checkers and its reliance on accreditation by IFCN reveals extensive bias in its Fake News research

The BBC must come out clean and admit that it's research on Fake News on does not adhere to academic standards and issue an unconditional apology.

BBC’s amended research on Fake News: Glaring flaws, negligence and a carefully hidden confession

The BBC in its amended report on its research on Fake News has corrected only minor mistakes while ignoring the great flaws in their research.

Not only BBC ‘fake news in India’ research, but Nigeria and Kenya research also pulled down

BBC 'fake news' research on Kenya and Nigeria pulled down too

BBC deletes ‘fake news’ research, amends, uploads, deletes again

BBC had recently published a 'research' paper on fake news which had created quite the brouhaha. The research was conducted based on shoddy methodology, based on questionable sources and had…

The BBC research on ‘fake news’ is shoddy, unethical, dishonest, and actually an example of fake news

BBC published a research paper on 'fake news' that itself can be termed as fake news

Prime Minister Modi hoists national flag to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Azad Hind Government

On October 21, 1943, Bose had announced the formation of the country's first independent government which was called the Azad Hind Government.

Tales of the old testament, territories, technology and the tuna

Israel and India are sisters from different Mothers

Three arrested over incident of maulvi refusing to sing national anthem in UP madarsa

The same had happened last year when many Madrasas refused to sing the national anthem