Saturday, July 27, 2024


pakistan sponsored terrorism

Surgical Strike braveheart, Lance Naik Sandeep Singh killed by terrorists during anti-infiltration operations

Lance Naik Sandeep Singh was leading a search party to detect the infiltrators along the LoC.

Jammu and Kashmir terrorists instructed by ISI to kill Special Police Officers, reveals new intel

The proposed talks had to be cancelled after the government took a serious note of evidence which revealed Pakistan's role in recent abductions and killing of SPOs.

Pakistan’s Hizbul militants issued threats to 24 policemen, asks them to ‘quit or die’

Few days back, 3 cops were abducted and killed by Hizbul terrorists after threatening them to quit or die.

Terrorists give ‘resign or die’ threats, abduct and kill three officers; MHA refutes media claims of police resignations

The MHA and Jammu and Kashmir police rejected the reports of police resignations as 'untrue and motivated'.

Congress’ duality on Pakistan: one leader hugs Pak Army chief, other asks for revenge

It is time Congress starts respecting India's non-negotiables

Pakistan not taking sufficient action against terror organisations, says US country report on Terrorism 2017

The US has been repeatedly warning Pakistan to take necessary measures to curb terror outfits operating inside its territory.

Hizbul terrorist planning an attack on Ganesh Chaturthi festivities arrested in Kanpur

He came in contact with a terrorist called Osama and then joined the Pakistan-based terror outfit- Hizbul Mujahideen in 2017

Security forces follow Israeli tactics to nab stone pelters in Srinagar

Israeli security forces often use this tactic to arrest Hamas supported stone pelters in Gaza and Jerusalem.

US-India 2+2 dialogue: Washington agrees help India track down Dawood Ibrahim, Hafiz Saeed

The US will urge Pakistan to take concrete steps to stop terrorist activities on its soil.

Pentagon to cancel $300 million aid to Pakistan for its failure to curb Islamist terror

The Pakistan is facing massive international pressure for its constant support to Islamist terrorism

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